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Very Dissapointed


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Sorry to hear of your performance JediSith, obviously the fps you're getting doesn't make one bit of sense. Your machine should own JK2!! I presume you've tried changing detail settings and possibly nvidia driver versions?? And you've disabled FSAA, right?


Have you tried turning off Anisotropic filtering? That setting can cause large performance drops.

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1 GHZ Pentium 3 133 fsb

512 RAM

Geforce 4 ti 4600 128MB DDR

Windows XP


1280x1024 full everything - 60 - 80 fps in high action moments


100 fps stood still (vid sync enabled)




I know i have a g4 - but that shouldnt make that much difference considering I have a 1gig p3



I suggest you get the latest drivers format your hard drive and install XP

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Just installed the latest Detonator drivers and it didn't change. Since I just lost my old harddrive in a crash, my config is only 2-3 days old, so it won't help to format.


It can't just be about WinXP, can it? I use 2k... suppose they'll release a patch for it, if that IS the problem.

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Originally posted by nu||ifier

1 GHZ Pentium 3 133 fsb

512 RAM

Geforce 4 ti 4600 128MB DDR

Windows XP


1280x1024 full everything - 60 - 80 fps in high action moments


100 fps stood still (vid sync enabled)




I know i have a g4 - but that shouldnt make that much difference considering I have a 1gig p3



I suggest you get the latest drivers format your hard drive and install XP

AMD 1.3ghz

512 ram

GeForce4 ms440 64mb


I get about 60fps just standing there and as low as 15-20 in large open areas and high action. I have the latest drivers and everything. What's the deal?


I upgraded my video card today from a GeForce2mx 32mb and my performance is exactly the same as before. Therefore, I have doubts about the fact that your video card is the reason that your performance is better than mine.

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