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Stuck on NS_hideout map


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Hello...... I need help with the Nar Shadda Hideout level (the one after the first REAL mission with your light saber), where u enter the Garbage processing place of the gangster d00d.....


I've hopped through the one duct beside one of the square compacting units, and did the jumping puzzle in the room with all the stacked boxes... got to the other side of that room..... and once i got to the end of the hallway on the other side i don't know what to do..

There are two movable garbage buggy thingies that i can push and pull (the second one is hard to pull), and that's it..... i don't know what i do after this :(

Can anyone help me????

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Well, I finally found it...I would have to go thru the thing again to figure out where I went, but you just have to run around a lot...Go thru every door you can...


If people are still having troubles, I'll backtrack and see if I can write everything down

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from gamefaqs.com -



Go back to the bottomless box room, go across the walkway and

then just drop down to your left (this is where you came in). Make

your way back up through the garbage machine, and then find the room

with the big glass window again. Hop over the crate again, and crouch

to get back to the dumpster. You can now push it, and it will reveal

an opening on the right.

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It's very possible - the cart in question is blocking a door you need to get through. But a cart on the other side of it prevents you from force pusing it out of the way.


Go back out into the main garbage processing room. On the side of one of the huge processors, there will be a little vent. Jump up into it. Go through the garbage compacter, and you'll be back on track.


From here on in, it's simple. Just keep going until you find the same tunnel as before and there will be a cart. Force pull the cart. Now back track ALL the way back to the original cart and force push the original cart so you can get through the door.



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