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Stuck on first Cairn Level (Really need help)


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OK, after you open the big door through to the imperial shuttle, I jumped up to the walkway then through the vent above that. I've gone through the vents and lowered all the forcefields, making my way down to the bottom. Now I took out all the guys there, pressed all the buttons, which opened a door where there were lots of turrets. Now I took out all of them and I got into another vent where a lift is going up and down. Now I got in the lift but it doesn't seem to go anywhere. I've explored the whole area and gone back, but I can't figure out what to do next...


I hope that made sense to someone. Please help me, I want to play now and find that stupid Dessan. Please, someone!!!



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I dont know exactly where you are, but when you see a lift going up and down all the time without pressing a button or so, just turn around a little and you'll see a small hole... then the next lift will be there... (perhaps you just need to turn up your alpha or use Nightvision goggles!)


hope this was the place youre stuck...


good luck!

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you need to get ON TOP of the elevator, rather than inside it. from there, you need to watch the walls carefully, as on one corner there is a ledge you can walk on to. this will reveal another elevator. jump on top of it when it comes down. when it goes down, you will see an opening in one of the walls that is greenish and requires a jump to a similar shaft. should make it from there...

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