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A few things (read raven)


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1. What is the defensive position. In the manual it says in order to block you must be in the ready position or in the defensive position. WHAT IS THE DEFENSIVE POSITION??


2. How esactly do you get into a saber lock? Like do you both have to do the same move, or something. HOW DO YOU GET IN A SABER LOCK??


3. Can you please post how to do all the moves for the 3 diffrent stances because I cannot figure out many moves, anyone who knows any please feel free to post.


4. What do you mean by a parry? It says if you are weak and your opponent is strong then they may perform a perry. WHATS A PERRY??


5. How do you change the amount of memory for the game? I rad some where (massassi.net) that there was an article on it, where is it? And can anything bad happen if I do, will it screw up my computer??


Thanks in advance.

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*rolls his eyes* sence I am in a good mood I will tell you.


1. The defenceive position is when you are not switching the light saber so you are alwas in the defencive position if your not attacking.


2. Don't ask when it happens it happens live with it.


3. I just click buttens


4.You don't know about sword fighting do you. a perry is when you block with your sword in this case light saber.


5. its in the at your directory where you installed jk2 , in teh gamedata/base " folder theres a jk2cofig.cfg and jk2mpcofig.cfg

those are the files to modify , now depending on what you are doing , multiplayer , open jk2mpconfig.cfg with wordpad or notepad ( if you dont know how to do that then go jump off something high) scroll all the way down and theres a line that says seta com_hunkMegs (should be the last one) and set it to about 2/3 of what the ram you have in your computer

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1. What is the defensive position. In the manual it says in order to block you must be in the ready position or in the defensive position. WHAT IS THE DEFENSIVE POSITION??


Defensive position is anytime that you are not attacking. You will automatically block incoming saber strikes and blaster fire, but obviously cannot block explosives.



2. How esactly do you get into a saber lock? Like do you both have to do the same move, or something. HOW DO YOU GET IN A SABER LOCK??


You don't. Sometimes they just happen. Saber locks will occur if yours, and your enemies sabers meet in midswing, they will become "locked" at which time you need to rapidly press attack and forward, and hope to knock your opponent off balance in order to get in a quick strike. Whoever is using the stronger stance usually wins a lock.


3. Can you please post how to do all the moves for the 3 diffrent stances because I cannot figure out many moves, anyone who knows any please feel free to post.


Look in the manual.


4. What do you mean by a parry? It says if you are weak and your opponent is strong then they may perform a perry. WHATS A PERRY??


you had it right the first time, it's called a "Parry", not a "perry". Perry is a name, Parry is a swordfighting move.




To "Parry" means to use your weapon to Deflect your opponents attack. Parries occur automatically while you stand defensively (aka, not attacking, just standing). As long as you are facing your enemy, you will automatically parry.


Parries are normally used to throw your opponent off balance, leaving him open for a couter attack. When you parry, you knock thier weapon back, usually leaving them open to attack.


5. How do you change the amount of memory for the game? I rad some where (massassi.net) that there was an article on it, where is it?


the command is "com_hunkmegs XXX"

This is set to 64MB by default. I recommend a setting of 128MB if you have 256MB-384MB. Possibly more if you have more ram, but I don't know how much it will help.


And can anything bad happen if I do, will it screw up my computer??



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