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just a sugestion to all

L33T Force

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I just what to say to all those lucky people that have the game, please make it clear when you ask for help with a part in the game, so that you don't ruin it for those of us that haven't got the game yet. Yes there are actually some of those people left :D


It's not because I want to be rude, just want to be sure that nothing is ruin for us, so next time anything related to some help with a place some are stuck please use the Spolier tag:D


Hope to see you in the Galaxy ;)


Ps. for your information I'm from Denmark

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Well, we have a Strategy Center where people are supposed to ask for help. So, hopefully, you won't stumble into any major spoilers about levels in this forum. I advise people that post spoiler info to use the spoiler tags.


Otherwise, the only advice I can give you is to stay out of threads that seem to be discussing levels of the game or topics that seems to be asking for help.

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Thx I try I will try that, most of the people no how to tell if there topic is Spoiler related, but there are still some that don't


Could some please tell people how to use the spoiler tag, know is been brought up before, but it seems that some people did't get it the first time.


Injoy you'r game you luky bastard:D


See you in the Galaxy

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actually L33T Force is a temp. name because I suck at finding on a good name, It's not quite easy finding a good one, so for now I stick to my Name from the first time I played Jedi Knight


Until I find a really good name for my Online gaming.:D

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