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Caution: Falling Dead Bodies = Damage? *SPOILERS*


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Sorry if someone else has pointed this out, I did my best looking for a similiar topic.


I was trudging thru NarShadaa getting sniped left and right by Greedo wannabes. One dude kept offing me with head shots till I finally figured out he was on a catwalk way above me. So i kill him with the tenloss and his body falls off the ledge, hits me, and I take damage! At first I thought someone else must have shot me at the same time but after a lot of quickloads I managed to repeat it. I tried to take a screenshot of impact but repeating it third time was near impossible. If someone else can confirm this...


In some ways this this is is a small stupid thing but I don't think I've played an FPS where falling bodies can kill you. It's another nice attention to detail by Raven (though I think a body falling as far as his did would have killed Kyle for sure)




After the bridge blows up...



he starts sniping me from above



I return the favor



He falls...



Excuse me, next time could you fall more to the right please?





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Welcome to the forums, lt_eightball. Here...*hands over a chocolate Jedi Medallion* ;)


I've edited your topic header to add *SPOILERS*. Please keep in mind others have not got that far in SP, yet, so try to add the *SPOILER* warning when you discover something. :)


Yes, I have to agree...there is a lot of attention to little details like that. They've done a good job. That's a nice bunch of screenies, BTW. :D


I also liked it when...



...you enter the freezing chamber earlier on in the game, and take damage from the cold.


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