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Saber Moves?????


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Ive tried to do all the saber moves described on jediknightii.com.

but some of them dont seem to work with me...


for example the forward lundge:

crouch+forward+attack - I only do a simple overhead slice while crouching (nothing special)


its the same with the downward hack:

forward+jump+attack - only a normal flip with a normal attack


So here are my questions:

Is there a special timing or is it just hitting the keys all together?

Is it necessary to have an enemy in the right position?

Can anybody of you control all the moves or do they just happen?

If you are able to control them do you use them?

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I'm suprised there isn't already a huge list comiled... there are one or two threads with a couple of moves in them but they seem to die out damn quick. I guess its just a case of waiting till someone can be bothered to put a list together. My problem is I pull of cool moves and dont know how Ive done them.

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some moves are special to a fighting stance.


the forward lunge can only be done with the "quick" stance

(for sure)


the downward hack can only be done with the "heavy" stance

(i think)


also with "quick" you can do the back+attack for the backward stab seen in one of the trailers.

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