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Alien Jedi/Sith?


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well if they do that i hope they change the artwork for the empire and give them a real dark jedi instead of that double saber weilding darth maul wanna be. God i hate the double saber. Maul is the only one in the star wars universe to ever use that thing and they give all the dark jedi in the game the double saber. Its an ok graphic for the trade federation but not the empire.

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Seeing as they could give every civ unique unit graphics, including Bounty Hunters, they could surely have spent a little time making unique Jedi/Sith graphics. Apparently Jedi/Sith are having an awful lot of improvements made to them in the xp. Fingers crossed! :D

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Originally posted by Gaming Nut

I hate to be a pain but..... we only see 2 dark jedi that have a saber mual and vader one had single the other a dobule so it's hardly seems fair to say that many sith didn't use them.


Dark Jedi that use single bladed sabers:








*Boc (though he uses 2 sabers)



*all of the Reborn

*all of the Shadow Troopers

*Ulic Quel Dama (pretty sure)

*Exar Kun (pretty sure)


Dark Jedi that use The double Saber:


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This gets my vote.


Jedi that match the race i think would not only make the jedi cooler, but also the race itself.


Can't you just imagine sending is a mess of droids and droidekas led by nemoidian sith against your enemies?


There seems to be two major problems people have with the idea. Either they think that it doesn't fit story wise (jedi are requested not built, humans make best jedi etc..) or they feel that it's not important enough for the progamers to spend time on it.


As for the story issues why don't we say that you get premission to build a temple (ala the basic traning missions) and then get to train your own people. And if that reason doesn't please you I believe one can be created that will. Besides how much can we worry about exactness when we've decided that the Gungans should fight the Galactic Empire in a knock down drag out fight.


The other problem is a little stickier. Yes individual art is important, but so is new more balanced techs and units. So where do we draw the line. I certainly don't know (one of the many reasons i don't make games), but I believe that creating images for 9 jedi (three for each of the non-human races) really won't take too much time away from the other things.


-Moff Siva

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