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Reelo's hideout


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Where is he? I'm lost in the city and i can't find a way out to find Reelo... I'm currently in a room that contains some electrified water... i destroyed the electric generator to shut out the electricity but i don't know then what to do..

Could anybody help me?

Thanks :)


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From that electrified room, jump up onto another level. Up there, push the button where the droid is working. Jump down onto the lever that swings out. Then, pull the other one closer to you. Jump onto that one, and into the garbage hauler. Then go from there.


Oh, and welcome to the Forums! This is going to our Strategy Center in case you need some more help afterwords.

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In case you still can't figure it out and what Canoli says is not working, you have to force pull a walkway out from under the door on the far side of the room. Look for when your crosshair changes color. I can't remember if you need to or not to jump up to the next part, that's just hpw I did it.



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