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Just wanted to throw out my opinion on the game. *SPOILERS*


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Finished it last night.


Overall, I think it was a very fun game.

Not without its weaknesses though.


In my opinion, its biggest weakness was the storyline.

It was a decent storyline, but, it just was a too low key for Star Wars. Just didn't have an 'epic' feel to it like Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight did. Even at times when it should've, like Jan's demise, I felt more like snickering than gasping at such a dramatic event. Oh, and the love story was done horribly. It just really felt out of place in the entire span of things.


The gameplay was amazing though. I really give the developers credit. The first couple of levels were a bit tedious and boring. But once that lightsaber comes into play the fun is endless. What could be more fun than Force Jumping over a wall, Force Pushing a couple stormies to the ground and then throwing your saber at another before you even land!


The only level I didn't like after I got the light saber was the level where you have to sneak around and mind trick people and avoid getting caught. It just didn't fit to me. I mean in earlier levels, I am taking on 20+ stormies at a time and mowing them down and its great fun. But then on this level he looks through a window, sees a few people and says "Uh oh, I better try to sneak past" ??? But I'm a bit biased there because I simply loathe any level where you are FORCED to sneak around in a FPS game, hehe.


Post is long now I apologize.


To wrap up, I think the game was very good. Imagine this gameplay with the storyline of Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight! *droooools all over his freaking keyboard and nearly wets himself*


Lets hope there will be an expansion pack of sorts and bring some more fun, and maybe some better writing :p~



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