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ok I don't know what's wrong but I am running the game with all medium settings, 16 bit color and texture, at 800X600, with dynamic lighting enabled and I am getting crap frame rates. I mean 1 person on screen=~50-60 fps, and more than 2-3 and it drops to around 15-25. now here are my system specs please please help me :(


Alienware system

1.8ghz p4


audigy gamer

384 meg pc800

Win ME

nvidia 23.11 drivers


please help me I have tried eveything from reinstalling drivers to reformating (I just wiped my drive a few days ago anyway) and reinstalling everything I have no idea what's going on. oh and this is mainly in MP SP :seems to be farily normal but I'm not getting a great frame rate there ethier if more than 5-8 people are on screen.

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused

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Are you on dial up with MP. It would seem your system should be able to handle alot. I am running a 1ghz AMD, geforce3 ti200, 512 ram and windowsxp, I run at 1024 reso, high everything and 32bit and my game screams. Might also be windows ME, heh. What programs do you have running the background, do a crtl-alt-del and see. If you have alot just end them all except for explorer and systray and it should run fine.

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I knew I forgot somthing. I'm on cable as well it's a 512/128 line but on the http://www.dslreports.com I average around 1200/120 so it's not the connection.


I don't see a option for volumetric shadows? However I did notice that the option for ansiotropic filtering was there (I am NOT kidding you I know for certian 100% positive it wasn't there before the reformat) and for some reason it was turned on. I disabled it and it gave me a good 10-15 fps boost so you might want to check that neo darth. if anyone has any more info though please tell me I'm still getting massive slow down at times just not as often(which isn't saying much)


patch idea for raven guys:

the options for shadow detail and ansiotropic filtering appear to randomly go AWOL. I do remember the shadowing option being there before reformat but it's not in more video right now.

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hey guys I still need help with this please. The ansiotropic thing helped but my performance still goes down the tubes if more than 3 or 4 people are on screen. I was wondering if there is a console command to choose shadowing detail? I noticed that the shadow detail option is in the more video section of SP but it isn't there in MP. Anyone know why this would be?

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