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Patch needed for compeditive play


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ok well ive participated in a pickup that mirrors what compeditive play will look like.


i belive we need a patch for CTF.


To make this game compeditive here are somethings that could be changed.


Flag grabable from top to bottom (with speed it is hard to grab expecialy on streets)

Console/chat is shared making scritping harder.

Fix 2x sentry exploit

Fix bunny hoping exploit (aka strafe jump)


better observer mode, for shoutcasting frendlyness (http://www.tsncentral.com is goign to shoutcast some matches i belive)


also TWL is a great ladder http://www.teamwarfare.com sign your team up, we need more compitition.



my .02 cents

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you sound like a triber!


I do agree though.


More maps are required, The Nar Shadda map will make a horrible Comp map.


I'd also like to see Raven patch in a voice bind system like tribes had.


whats wrong with srafe jumpin? This is Star Wars not Counter Strike.

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Originally posted by Father Ruckus

I'd also like to see Raven patch in a voice bind system like tribes had.



i can see it now


someone saying to a luke model...


luke....i am your father....



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