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My Opinion on JK2


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First off, the graphics and special affects are amazing, Raven gets an A+ in this dept for sure.


The single player is is extremely good, and makes JK2 worth the 50 USD even if I have some issues with the MP. The game kind hard, but I won't hold it againt Raven. I like the special events that are scripted into the levels. My fave thing about it though is fighting the reborn.


As for the MP, it's better then JK1 in some ways and worse in others. The CTF in JK2 is better. The saber fighting in JK2 is also much improved over JK. What JK2 has going against is is pretty major though. The force is just way to weak. I know why this was done and there will be a mod to fix it in the future. JK2 FF is much slower then JK, but with a little modding it'll be as fast or faster and be more complicated. The last thing going against JK2 MP is the map design. Most of the maps are very quakish and none of them have enough weapons, ammo, or powerups. FFA Bespin is a good map IMHO but it could use a few more items scattered around.


Overall, it's worth getting and with a little modding the MP will be better then JK.

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