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Stuck allready!


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Right I've got Jedi Outcast a nd it's great but compoaritivly I'm rubbish at comuter games. So I'm stuck at the bit just after you've enteres the red, blue and green codes and gone through the door to the new area. I've been all through the big freezer I've shot the security guns in the big hall and now I can't find where to go next! Please help I don' t want to be stuck for long. Great multiplayer though.

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I'll assume you've activated the switches on the console next to the freezer. All you have to do now is break the glass in the freezer. There is a door on the bottom and after you've accomplished the stuff behind that, go into the freezer again and jump up the thing that swung around when you hit the switches. Don't worry, the trickey part is coming up right after this. ;)


Good Luck!

Hope I was not to vague.



oh, welcome to the forums and please keep future "help" threads in the Strategy Center section. You also might want to look through the Strat Center before you post, as there are many such threads in there. Peace.

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Welcome to the forums. :) Here...*hands over a chocolate Jedi Medallion* ;)


Actually, HBK, I think he's further than that. :) You need to go back to the room with dangerous water, ride the small elevator up, follow the narrow ledge around the chamber to get to the two windows, look left, shoot the big crate which will short-circuit the controls...which will extend a bridge from that room to the central pillar. That gives you access to the room, so just follow your nose from there. ;)


And yes, the appropriate place for help of this kind is the Help->Strategy Centre forum, so I'm moving this over there now. ;)

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