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Do people really use the guns?


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After just finishing the game, I am curious...... do people really use guns after they get their lightsaber?


Once i got resonably good with force push and my lightsaber I stopped using any other weapon, except the ocasional thermal detonator use. I did use a few weapons on the admril guy.


just curious.



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actually, i use my other weapons, mainly the tenloss....thermals suck bad....actually i only use the saber, force, golan arms, and tenloss (basically..).....it makes it much more fun to use the guns.....and in multiplayer, ff guns OWNZ ff saberz...



if you want to argue, go ahead newbies..

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ive had enough fun with explosives in other games that are much more fun =)))


ut cut is very fun =) and so is straight up ut


yeah those gay tenloss touting rodians are freaking annoying...btw, completely unrelated to this thread, i think that duels w/ the reborn w/o speed are very fun! its soo cool to not do that and beat them on your own...heh...anyway...later..

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Originally posted by thrEEpaGe

actually, i use my other weapons, mainly the tenloss....thermals suck bad....actually i only use the saber, force, golan arms, and tenloss (basically..).....it makes it much more fun to use the guns.....and in multiplayer, ff guns OWNZ ff saberz...



if you want to argue, go ahead newbies..


Come one , i m pretty curious to see how u ll perform when i ll push your rockets back in your face ( if i m feeling generous ) or pull your weapon out of your hands and leave only your poor bryar pistol .......now let s see who is the noob

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Hell yeah. Naturally I usually use the saber, but I do use other weapons in certain situations. I use the Disruptor for sniping. I use the EMP gun against anything mechanical (especially those Mechwarrior-type robots that shoot green bowcaster bolts). I use thermal detonators sometimes. And I whip out the Bryar to shoot tripmines, and also to kill guys far away if I'm out of power cell ammo. And once or twice, I used the repeater when fighting a large group... but not much.

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After I got the saber I occasionally used the Tenloss Rifle. And on Fyyar I used the repeaters secondary fire. That is pretty much it. I never used a detpack or a trip mine and I'm having a very hard time remembering if I ever used a Thermal Det. The DEMP was a last resort weapon to take down Fyyar's sheilds as it was the only thing that I had left that would work, and thats all the times I used any guns. Oh yeah I also would use the E11 to take down turrets. Once you get used to pushing and pulling things and enemies to and away from ya and using the saber you pretty much set. :)

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