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error 'SpawnEntities: no entities'


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whenever I finish the artus detention level I get taken to the menu and theres a message says "SpawnEntities: no entities"




any ideas?




i'd like to say its an issue with my voodoo3 but it sounds like an error made when the map is loaded. the wickedgl drivers fixed the loading problems, as well as the into movie problem, even though it still looks like ass (bluuuuuuurry)

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JK2 is a great game, shame it is spoiled by a multitude of errors. I have gotten to the very end of bespin_undercity and have just gotten a Spawn Entities: no entities error as well. It sucks sooooooo bad. I don't want to use cheats to skip the level, I am very much anti-cheats, and would never think about using them to finish a game, because it spoils it so much, but unless Raven creates a patch, it looks like I will have...... What level should I be skipping to?



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I just tried map bespin_streets in the console, and it didn't work. Just to restate, I am currently in bespin_undercity, in the room with the droid R5 (or whatever its called). I typed the command, and it went to the screen it uses to connect in multiplayer, before stating the same error. Please say this does not mean jumping the entire level?

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I CANNOT play bepin_streets only bespin_platform. As far as I am concerned this game is currently severly broken, and if any employee of Raven is active on the forum, then I would like to know when they are going to fix it by, because this is frankly unacceptable!

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It's not quite the same error message as the others, but I wonder if it's a similar situation:

I get to see the cutscene at the valley of the jedi--kyle getting 'all up in the flow' if you will, and the bit with Desann in the shuttle. But when the cinematic finishes I get:


G_ParseSpawnVars: found vtemp_explore" when expecting {


which makes no sense at all to me--well, beyond that it was expecting { and got the rest instead.


So, I tried the above workaround--going to console and 'map yavin_temple' but I still get the error--leading me to believe it's something happening when the game tries to load that map.

Any help?

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How sad, that a company evidentually never beta tested a well designed game worth a damn, plus.. shouldn't they have someone on here answering questions like this, at least to lie and say "A patch is in the works.", to keep all of your current customers, not to mention losing all future customers. I haven't bought the game but I watched my friend play it, and I was impressed except when he showed me the CL_ParsePacketEntities error he got in multiplayer mode.. EVEN if he wasn't connected to the internet.. lol great code on this game.....From what we can tell, basically: If you have win2k installing this game and getting it to work in multiplayer mode is like rolling dice, for some people it works and some people it don't for no reason at all. Sad to, i was actually gonna purchase this game. Not anymore though.

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I have been getting the errors referred to in this thread at the end of levels and when trying to load a saved game . I have tried many combinations and have basically just discovered that no matter what, it re-occurs after a reboot. The key to that statement is 'reboot'. I say that becasue it works fine after the initial install all night long..until the dreaded reboot. Then whamo! Here is a list of things I have done:

- First install works great. (With purchased media!)

- Install NOCD and after first level cutscene...error to main menu.

- Remove NOCD and put back original jk2sp.exe...no error.

- Next day, continue from last save. After level end cutscene. Whamo!

- Visit Forum. Decide to reinstall. Problem goes away.

- After next reboot...craps out again. This time on save game load.

- Visit Forum. Create "backup CD" and install from that hoping to avoid the "copy protection corruption durring install" theory. Seems to work..Play all night long. Next day (yes, after reboot) crash..man this is getting old.

- Reinstall. This time from legitimate media and from Pioneer DVD instead of Toshiba CD ROM. Play a few hours. Quit game. Start again immediately, loading last save. Loads Perfectly.

- Now the real test..reboot, restart, load save..."SpawnEntities: no entities". Whata shocker :mad::confused:


So the question is, does this help anyone smarter than me diagnose what might be going on? Since this is getting long as it is I'll wait to see if anyone (hello: LucasArts) would like system specs and or more details. This is not related to any particular level since after each level the same thing happens and now in the middle of a level as well.


Still love the game ;)

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I'm having the same problems with the first level.... so xx_chromosome and i are in the same boat..... i tried to use differant drivers for my video card but nothing works..... it sucks really bad... i would like to get past the first level without having to cheat....... lets hope a patch comes out very soon.......

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