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error 'SpawnEntities: no entities'


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I'm having the same error too: SpawnError: no spawn

I just got the game for my birthday and I'm also VERY new to game playing....we just got a computer capable of playing good games about two weeks ago. So......my error comes up at cairn_reactor.......It seems by the earlier posts that I have to skip to the next level but i have no idea what it is! Can some please tell me what level is after cairn_reactor and possibly a list of all the map names?...it sucks it's gotta be done this way...hopefully they can fix it soon.


Any help is greatly appreciated...




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What my post two places up this thread was saying is that if you uninstall and reinstall you will be able to continue your last save and it should work fine until the next reboot. I have seen the list of all map names in the forum somewhere but no idea where anymore. Keep looking.


I wish someone could come up with something to try. Aparently we are the only people afflicted with this problem.

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Fixed all my problems by un-over clocking the processor. All saved games work and no crashes.


NOTE: My system appeared to be fine except for JK2. I attributed my problems to the game. That was not the case.

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I was able to get around this problem by transfering the save file to the other computer on my network, loading the next level (the one I couldn't load on my comp) than saving and transfering that file back to my comp.


Of course most people don't have a computer network at home but if all else fails you could probably email your saved game to someone else, have them load the next level and save you a new game.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Seems like a file gets corrupted somewhere somehow.


I suspect the biggest culprit is WindowsXP system file protection (based on reports that most errors occur after reboot). I myself have been experiencing G_ParseSpawnVars errors trying to proceed to doom_comm from cairn_docks. I do not want to skip doom_comm. It wouldn't suprise me if while is corrupted during install or somehow after every reboot.....


(NOTE: G_ParseSpawnVars is a map loading error. Means somehow the map is corrupted or was improperly built. So if you're getting errors that there are no entities or there's a param found before the expected }, try to reinstall.)

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