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Up the Walls


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Yeah I have done it many times, to get the hang of it I would first put your saber down, meaning when it is drawn just hit 1. Then run along side a wall and hit jump, while in the air make sure your still holding forward and if your still touching the wall hit space again you should run on it. Just keep trying, its not to difficult. You can also do a backwords flip off the wall by going up to a walland hitting backwords and space at the same time.


Good luck! :)

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Disregard my first post, I said it wrong. Now this is the way to do it...




First start off by running next to a wall then all at the same time press jump + direction of the wall (left or right of you) + keep holding forward. You should run on the walls like Neo. I would show you a screenshot of me doing it but I am not sure how to take screens yet in the game lol. Go try it!

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