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Grand Admiral Thrawn skin now available


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Thanx to ChangKhan[Raven], I got the model viewer working, so I got my first proper JK2 skin done tonight. It's just a quick skin, I've got more planned, but they will need to wait for the tools.


anyway, heres the link. It's 1.3MB.





the skin has full CTF colours and bot support. The bot behaves a lot like lando (avoids sabers), but with its own chat lines.


I've also posted this thread in the Valley of the Jedi forum, here

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Excellent skin, but not really the best character to base a model off. I'm sorry, but Thrawn just looks weird running around with a Flechette or Lightsaber. Ah well, I understand your predicament, at least until more editing tools are released.

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I've updated the belt thing, and made some modifications to the CTF skins, nothing really noticable. The updated version is available from the same link as before:

Updated Version


I've never been any good at taking screenshots, and until i work out how to take screens in JKII, I won't be :)

This is a shot from the model viewer, just so you can see what the skin looks like a bit better.




enjoy :)

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Originally posted by Cracken

Excellent skin, but not really the best character to base a model off. I'm sorry, but Thrawn just looks weird running around with a Flechette or Lightsaber. Ah well, I understand your predicament, at least until more editing tools are released.


Thrawn is one of the most popular EU characters, and one of my favourites, and while he may not look right running around with a lightsaber, I still had to make him :)

As I said above, the bot normally won't use lightsabers, but the game I took the shot in was a lightsaber only game.

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I think you can load the console by using shift + ~, otherwise edit your config file and do a search for screenshot. If it isn't in the list, just add a line : bind x screenshot. Press that key to take a screenshot and you're done :)

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great job prophet! i give u props man


MACE WINDU would be pretty cool for a skin!

by far i think he is the "badass" of the jedi, just cuz its sammy j


i have yet to start my editing lol...too busy playing the game

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actually, its not a cut and paste. It uses the Chiss head textures directly from the original assets.pk3, and the uniform originates from the imperial soldier. This is stated in the readme. Nevertheless, there's a good 4 hours work in that skin on my part. Most my skins for other games take me several days, but as I stated above this was just a quick skin until the tools come out. I didn't edit the head because there was no need to, as Thrawn is an EU character and does not have a definative appearance.

Besides, this skin is not any less my work than the other skins that are available now, which are also modified raven bots.

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You're so bada** felony... let's see something you put your time into that benefited this community.


Oh, that's right, you ain't done sh!%.


Why don't you take it somewhere else....


Prophet, good job. The more skins the merrier.

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