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Easter egg? *Spoiler*


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when on the doomgiver before you go into the first hanger theres that room where you see the pilots run out, and all the troopers go for yer throat.

ya know the officer with the key? and that locked door along the platform?

welp, go down there, kill the guy inside, and play with the panel :)

Kyle says something like "in the wrong hands this could do some damage"

you get to shoot a turret just outside the hangers!!

blast them Ties that fly by!!!


woo hoo!

not really hidden, but a nice little gimick :)


heres the ties



heres the turret view :) i wish i had one with a tie going boom... they seem to spew Probe droid parts lol



as for where exactly it is.. thats for you to find :p


NOTE: these images may not load for some since Geocities blocks stuff, i find they WILL load if you have add blockers on, at least it works for me.


[Edit - Stormy - spoiler tags engaged. ;) ]

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its till a form of an easter egg in general since it doens't directly pertain to the games story or chain of events.

like the Dust Bunny on the Q3A DM level

its there, kinda obvious if you fall off the level, and its still an easter egg because players come across oddities in the game that aren't really useful but kinda sidetrack ya, this ones almost a mini game

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