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Force Speed in single player- cheap?


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I just beat single-player. In the final battle, like all my fights with dark jedi, I used force speed- and killed him in five seconds. It felt like I was cheating.


What does everyone else think about force speed in single-player saber fights?

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ya i know what ya mean....I only used it in the game for minor enemies, such as a room full of 'troopers. On the final stage, I used it and beat him quickly but fell that it was cheating so I loaded my last save spot and killed him 'honorably' :-)


It does feel like it is cheating though IMO

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It helps a lot, no doubt about it. I killed Desann within 2 mins by using speed and doing a rolling slice. However, I never really thought about using speed in other combats because... well it never dawned on me. I was too wrapped up in enjoying the battles. Don't forget, no one is forcing you to use it, but it looks really cool.

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Holy... you guys DONT use it? If I try facing those armored reborn without it I get wasted (jedi knight difficulty). They block/attack too well, and often I find that they "cheat" eg. having their saber flash from one position to another, or not getting hurt when my saber goes through them.


As for Dessan, I didnt beat him with my saber, I knocked a pillar on him :D

I love how many different ways you can kill people in this...

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Originally posted by toolboi

or not getting hurt when my saber goes through them.


That'd be because the crystals they have help them to resist light-sabres. They are tough, but ohh-so-fun to fight. At the very end I discovered, by accident, a much easier way to kill them though. Use force-grip. They'll drop like flies. But we all know its more honourable to sbare them to death. :)

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Yes, force speed is the worst force power created.... not that it's too weak, but that it's WAY too powerful.


Why force choke and enemy and take 4 secodns to kill him when you can just use force speed and kill him in 2 without getting shot..?


The same goes for any other force power (with the exeption of level 3 force lightening). Force speed over shadows EVERY offensive ability. There is generally NO time in the game when another force power would be more effective, with the exeption of push, pull and jump for solving puzzles.


The only time I felt any other force power was useful was when I got level 3 force lightening... the main reason for that is because it uses such little ammount of energy, and I can take out 5 or more stormtroopers in one shot with it. I also found it useful to use force speed, plus force lightening to defeat groups of Reborns and Shadow troopers in the second to last level. However, there's only one extreemly short level that force lightening is useful on.... it's quite a bit disapointing.


Anyway... before JKII was released I feared that Force speed would be so powerful that I would never want to take it off, and that it would be the best power for any situation. Some people replied saying I was wrong and Raven knew what they were doing... But it turns out it was exactly as I said.... even worse in fact.


I know no one is forcing me to use force speed if I don't want to.


But how much fun is it to beat an AT ST with a bryar pistol, when you know you could do it 100 times easier with a rockett launcher?


I just can't have fun useing something much weaker, when I could simply use force speed and beat anything 100 times easier without anymore risk.

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Think about this mates, the enemy will use grips and lightning at you without a second thought. They are not after a 'fair' or 'honourable' fight. They want you dead! Only give honour to those who honour you!


But another reason is that in single player the computer has effective a infinitly superior force speed. The fact it can do all the moves but instantly as it needs to use no mouse. It also has a reflex time you will not even be able to dream of having.


Force speed doesn't make you a cheater. It equals the fight! As normally you are fighting with a disadvantage (human reflexes are slow compared to a computers)

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