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It's impossilbe even for a computer.


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I've been playing on Jedi Knight level for a while, and it's quite overwhelming. I mean, the game is great, level design, the puzzles and the AI is quite realistic, but my problem is the numbers of foes. The enemies' skill is just a little bit below my own, but when I am faced with a room of 10 enemies, I just don't see how I can win (I am refering to the bar on Nar Shada - I got through it after MANY many deaths).


So my question is, is there anyway I can change the difficulty level without starting over? I would like to crank it down a notch.


I would also like to know what level most people are playing on. Is Jedi Knight level really tough, or am I just a wimp? I cannot imagine that anyone would be able to get through the game on the highest difficulty setting. Has anyone done that?


And don't tell me about how you used to bullseye womp rats with your T-16, farmboy.:fett::x-wing:

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I'm playing on JediKnight (i didn't like the jedi master 50 health)


it gets easier when you get force powers to handle rooms full of people.. i would say stick it out.. you will enjoy it..


i'm not finished yet.. but i'm glad i didn't choose an easier level.

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Well, I am hovering around the 6 health mark also, which kind of sucks as some guy just comes over and breathes on me, and I die - in slow motion, of course!


And now, I am up against 3 snipers. In the time it takes me to zoom in, aim and fire, all three of them get a shot, perhaps two on me and back to blaster time (the new feature in Max Payne:Jedi Knight)

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And now, I am up against 3 snipers. In the time it takes me to zoom in, aim and fire, all three of them get a shot, perhaps two on me and back to blaster time (the new feature in Max Payne:Jedi Knight)


Zanshin... 'blaster time' might be just what you need to help you out. :)


Activate force speed, then snipe away!

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When up against snipers - if you are crouched, you don't lose zoom when you move, so crouch, then zoom in, then strafe out from behind cover, pop off a shot and duck back. Also most of the rodian snipers pause between shots so duck out and back in really quickly to draw the shot and then you can pop out to have your own withabout 3 seconds before the other dude fires again.

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yeah I went through on JK level and then got absolutly destroyed in the end fight and gave up :-p I'll probably try it again when I get better. The key to getting through at high levels of difficulty is patience. You can't go running around like a mad fool you have to be very systematic about it and it is really really tough even so. especially towards the end.



sean you probably have the "slow motion deaths" setting on excessive if you do it will go into slow mo sometimes when you are being attacked and stuff and not just when you die.

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Thanks to everyone for the advice. I especially want to thank sultan_alhazred, the tips on crouching really helped, and I was finally able to take out those snipers. Of course, now I am stuck somewhere else.... :(


I am really afraid of what will happen when I get to the dreaded end level. Jedi Knight level is just too hard.


I am not a Jedi yet......

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I played through sp on JK difficulty my first time through. I did a lot of save games, especially for the jumping (falling) puzzles and for desaan at the end (anytime I hit him I saved immediatedly!).

I also played with really low health, until heal came along.


the most impossible scene to fight through (even worse than desaan for me) was the lando refueling scene. it took me awhile to figure out I had to escort him into the ship and I think I played that scene literaly 2 dozen times (if not more). I simply couldn't imagine how they expected you to fight waves of attackers and each wave having 7-8 enemies in it! I would normally have no problem with something like that, but lando seemed to like to run straight at the largest group of attackers!!! after awhile I was able to wipe out 2 waves of attackers with lando still alive, but die on the third wave. eventually I started to run toward the ships ramp and finally stupid lando finally followed me and I got past that part....seriously the hardest scene for me in the entire game without knowing he had to follow me onto the ship.

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