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(Walkthrough) Anyplace?????


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I can't seem to find a walkthrough anywhere. Is there any out yet? stuck on the teer level. the part where your at the highest point and the brige has a bomb on it and spits it. Jump across that and I get stuck. Help?

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Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast


Walkthrough, v1.0






Hello everyone -


I hope you're all as excited about this game as I am. (Note to self,

stop making completely obvious statements). I've cranked out this

walkthrough for everyone, because there are a ton of places to get held

up, and I've already seen forums everywhere exploding with questions and



Before you ask about the "punctuality" of this release, please know

that I had to plead with a friend to get an early release copy a couple

days beforehand, as I'm sure all of the rest of you forum lurkers did as

well. I have not had this much fun in a game since Half-Life, and I was

itching to run out early this morning and get that collector's tin.

Man, let me tell you, when I saw that blue saber logo in real life, my

knees got a bit weak. =)


A word of caution, this walkthrough was VERY hastily prepared, and while

I am sure that you'll be able to follow it through to the end of the

game, it is probably missing many details (a number of secrets have been

missed, for starters). Therefore, this is only an initial release. I'd

like everyone in the community to use the email address at the bottom in

order to update me on problems/additions I can make to the walkthrough.

However, please observe my following requests:


-Don't send me spam

-Don't send porn spam either =)

-Don't email me further game questions you have...use the forums

-Don't ask any questions about my mental state, either =)






Again, please send updates and additions to the address below, and I

will post the revised editions. This walkthrough will always be on




KyleKatrn on EFNet




Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast


Walkthrough for Level 1 (kejim_post)




Starting Off


You and Jan start off behind a fighter, a small distance away

from two stormtroopers. Jan will carefully walk forward, and peek

around some crates. Follow her and check out where the troops are.

Before engaging them, look to the left and you will see a door. Inside

is a small room with a bunch of crates and a shelf with some mines

blocking it. Back away from the door and shoot the mines with your

blaster; don't worry, the troopers won't notice. You can pick up the

blaster pack ammo, and there is an instant use healthpack for later.

After this, climb up on the crates to the top of the room, where you

will find the first secret, a health canister and battery. Exit the

room and move back towards the shocktroopers. Kill them, and then walk

around the small ledge to the in front of the ship. Around the corner

you will find an imperial officer, and stairs leading to a loading

platform with 5 additional stormtroopers. (There is also one up on the

ledge shooting down at you...kill him and enjoy the first falling death

of the game =). Notice that there is a gun turret on the platform, but

it is offline. After killing the troopers, Jan will attempt to break

through the main cargo door, commenting that your blasters will be

ineffective. You offer to find another way around. Shortly after your

conversation, three more troopers will emerge from around the corner to

the left of the door. Kill em, and walk around where they came from.

Go through the doorway and you will find a small room with a shield

regenerator (the small trash can with green lights. press the use

button to charge your shields.) Jan reminds you to search any officers

for keycards...this is important, and will be a task you frequently

have to accomplish throughout the game. go through the door to find

an officer with, surprise surprise, a supply key! Notice that you

receive a message saying that it is a "supply" key. This type of

key will only open small locked storage crates. To unlock doors, you

will need an actual "security" key, usually found on higher ranking

officers. After killing this one, move to the lift and press the

button to ride up. You will now be on the ledge where you shot the

trooper who fell. Look to your right, and go into the room...you will

see a thin lift along the right wall. Take it up into the control room.

Along the window you will see a panel with a picture of the turret from

the platform. Push it, and you will see a short cutscene of the turret

powering up, and an automated voice saying that the security system has

been activated. The alarms will start going off. Jan comments that

the door still wasn't open, but that she's got company...three

stormtroopers have come out onto the ledge. Go back down and wipe em

out, then make your way down to the platform again. Hop in the turret,

turn around and shoot the door, blowing it open. Follow Jan on to the

lift inside. You will pass a checkpoint, and the lift begins to move





The Blue Section


You are now in the "blue section" of the base (it's not apparent

at this point, but it's easier to wade through this guide if it's

somewhat sectioned off) Once at the door at the bottom, you will

instruct Jan to wait and cover your back. Make sure to notice the

lights on the door. They are green, which means the door is (usually)

open. Locked doors will have two red lights on them. I said "usually"

open because in this case, you have to press the button next to it, and

it will open. Inside is a long hallway with a green-light door to your

immediate right, a security room with a window to your left, and a

stormtrooper at the end. Once you move forward to kill the trooper,

five more will emerge from the door on the right. Jan will come through

and help you kill them. Once done, go into the cargo bay they came

from. Explore around the crates and you will find a belt of thermal

detonators and some batteries. Look at the container sitting over a

grate on the floor...learn to recognize those, because they explode

when you shoot them, often offering goodies or a hidden passage. Drop

through the broken grate and walk up the small set of stairs in this

dark room. Proceed around the corner to the right and walk to the end

of the long hallway. (you will see a door on the left, which only

leads you underneath the lift you took to get down). At the end of the

hallway is a large machine of some kind. You have to blow it up, but

be careful. It doesn't take many shots, but it will release a large

ball of fire that shoots back all the way to the end of the hallway.

Either shoot it while you're still at the end and just hide around the

corner, or get closer to it and use the door that leads under the large

lift. Once the machine is destroyed, walk all the way around it and

you will see a computer console and a small lift. Ride it up into a

VERY dark room. In this room you will see a grate on the floor. Shoot

it and drop through to get to the security room you saw when you first

came down into the base. Kill the officer, grab his supply key and

then look at the window to your right. You will see a row of buttons,

1 blue and 3 red. Push all the red buttons so that they are blue,

this opens a bunch of doors. Jan, who was waiting by the entrance door,

will now be able to come and join you in the room. She fiddles with

the computer, unlocks some more stuff, and tells you she's going to

hang around there to cause more trouble =).


Go to the shelf to her right, and pick up some blaster ammo.

Now, exit the room. You will encounter an officer and four troopers.

After dispatching them, go through the door

they came from. You will be in a room with two green light doors, one

on the left and one on the right. Let's go to the right first. Follow

the passage and you will see another cargo bay to the left with a whole

load of troopers, and a door on the right that leads to the original

cargo bay where you dropped through the floor. No need to go back in

there for now. Wipe out the troopers in the new bay, and find the

first security crate. These are the crates i mentioned that can be

opened with supply keys. Look at the small console side, press the

use button and it will open, giving you the light amplification goggles.

Grab them, and then move to the corner of the bay where there is a large

lift. Push the button and ride it down...you will notice the the room

is pitch black, how handy that you just found the goggles! Turn them on

(default key is numberpad left) and explore the room. Jan radios you

and mentions that the base is divided into 3 sections...important info

for later. In the room behind some of the crates you will find a secret

area with two shelves containing an instant use healthkit and blaster

ammo. Turn around and go to the right, around more crates and you will

see a dimly lit small maintenance door. Crouch, walk through it and go

into a room with four troopers and an officer. Kill them, grab his

supply key and head over to the control panel. You will comment that

the blue symbol looks like an imperial code, and you receive a message

that your objectives have been updated. Check them and you will see

instructions to input the code at the "main array". You'll encounter

this later. Look to at the rest of the console and you will see a map

of the base, conveniently colored in red blue and green. Notice that

there is a blue button lit up, and the blue section of the map is lit

as well. Push the other two buttons, and see the red and green part

of the base light up too. You can now access more of the base.


Take the door out of this room and you will find a forcefield

with a button next to it. Push the button to let down the forcefield,

and then climb up the stairs. At the top of the stairs you'll need to

kill two troopers. Just to get your bearings, walk through the

green-light door in front of you to see the cargo area with the lift.

Now, standing at the top of the stairs, facing the door to the bay, go

left. Along this hallway you will find three troopers. After killing

them, go over to the shelf next to the thin window that looks out on a

few suspended walkways. Pick up the healthkit and blaster ammo, then

continue down the hallway. You will encounter one trooper at the end,

and then be able to see the main array. Make another mental note and

study this area. Remember how Jan said the base was in 3 different

parts, and you just unlocked the green and red areas? Well, look at

the symbols above the doorways on each plank. Blue, Red, and Green.

Coincidence? heh. Now move toward the main array. You will see that

there is a screen for the three colored icons. If you try to press

anything, Kyle comments that it is offline. That's ok, you need to

get the green and red codes first anyway. Go into the GREEN section

from here.




The Green Section


There are two ceiling mounted turrets in the room, along with a

small windowed security room with an officer. The turrets will start

shooting you, but there's no need to try and blow them up. Strafe

through the room to avoid them and and move around to the left of the

windowed room. Go through the green-light door, and immediately turn

right to go up in the security room. Kill the officer, and press the

button to turn off the turrets. In either corner of the room you will

find a shield recharger, a shelf with a couple assualt rifles, and a

health canister on the floor. go out of the security room and head

straight. Kill the 3 stormtroopers, and then head down the set of

stairs to your left. Go through the door and kill the four troopers in

this room. Near the end of the room, by another set of stairs leading

up, is a security console. Press the button that looks different, and

you will hear and conversation between yourself and Jan, telling her to

come help with the computer. Walk away from the console and wait a few

moments. Jan will radio you and tell you she's under attack from

troopers and needs your help. Doh! Go back out of this room the way

you came, up the small set of stairs and out by the main array again.

You will see two troopers guarding the way back to the blue section.

Kill them and then run down the hallway.




Back to the Blue Section (momentarily)


Go into the first door on your left (remember this one? Where I

told you to previously get your bearings?) It leads into the cargo bay

where you'll find Jan and the troopers. Help her wipe them out, then

she'll ***** at you for taking your sweet time to get there, then asks

to be led to the computer. *Sigh* now all the way back to the green

section. If you really can't remember...exit the cargo bay where you

came out, turn right and go down the hallway, past the main array and

into the green area.




The Green Section (continued)


(Notice the turrets are inactive now :-) proceed through the

security room, and with your back to the booth doors, head down the

stairs to your left. Lead Jan over to the console, where she will fool

around with some more stuff. You see a short cutscene showing a

red-light door unlocking, turning to green. Again Jan will stay to

screw around, so go back out the way you came again. (You could go

up the stairs to the right of the console, but I figured you'd be more

familiar with that other small set of stairs by now). Now, looking at

those stairs that lead down to the room you just came out of, go

straight and enter the first green-light door on your right. Kill the

officer and four troopers. To the left of the door you entered, there

is a shelf with yet more blaster ammo and a healthkit. on the floor is

a health canister and your first large shield booster. Go explore the

rest of the room, and by the red and blue displays you will find the

green clearance code on a wall terminal. Your objectives are updated

accordingly. With your back facing that terminal, head through the

door that is right in front of you. you are now back in the hallway.

go right and you will see a set of stairs leading up. Follow them up

to a short hallway. There is a green-light door to your immediate

right, a thin door at the end directly in front of you, and another

green-light door at the end over to the left. Take the door on the

right first. In this small room you will see various computers and a

couple crates. Now, remember way back when you blew up that crate to

drop through the floor? These crates are the same kind. You can blow

them up, or just walk around behind them to find a shelf with, yes, more

blaster ammo and a healthkit. Go back out of the room into the short

hallway. Go through the thin door, and walk up the small stairs to a

windowed control booth similar to the one you saw with the turrets.

Well, there are turrets outside of this one as well...push the button

to turn them off. In the corner of the security booth you'll get some

more blaster rifles and another health canister. Go out of the booth

and head right, through the green-light door. In this room there is a

lift...if you try to operate it, you'll hear a few mechanical sounds but

nothing will happen. That's ok, we can come back later. Backtrack

allll the way to the main array (not as hard as it sounds, really...exit

the lift room, go down the stairs and follow the long hallway to the

very end, and you'll be by the green security booth again. Go out on

the planks, and now it's time for the red section.




The Red Section


The red section has the same layout as the first room in the

green section...ceiling turrets, security booth with guard. So, do the

same thing...run by the turrets, through the green-lit door and take a

right up into the booth. Kill the guard, grab the rifles and health

canister (damn, at least the remnant forces are consistent :-) and then

walk out of the booth. With your back to the booth door, you'll see

two ways to go...straight, or up a set of stairs to the left. Take the

stairs. Kill the two troopers up here, and then circle around to the

left to find a small lift. There's no button to press, just wait a few

seconds and it will take you up. Kill the troopers and check out the

room. It's an observation deck the overlooks the main array area you've

been running through. Press the button in the middle of the window...

you'll see that it lets down a forcefield which is blocking another

button on the walkway lining the array area. Go out the doorway on the

right to walk along the ledge. Press the button once you're there, and

turn around to see a part of the array extend downward, activating an

energy beam. You can also see an officer and a bunch of troopers run

into the observation room you just came from. Doh! Head back into the

room, kill them, and then make your way back to the bottom of the curved

stairs. This will lead you right back to the doors to the security booth

and the turret room.


Now, turn with your back to the booth door, like you did before.

Instead of heading up the stairs, go straight. Go through this room's

door, into an area with two supply crates on the left side. Because

you've picked up the necessary supply keys, you can open both of them.

Each contains a health canister. Finish off the troopers in this room,

then go to the opposite end. You will see a control panel with a

picture of a satellite dish on it. Press it a few times to see

some interesting cutscenes. After you're done, turn around and

take the hallway on the right. You will see a red-lit door on your

left...go past it. On the left will be one trooper, along with weapon

and shield rechargers. On the right is a green-lit door. Stock up if

you need to, then proceed through this door. You'll see a couple

troopers get blown up by a leaking gas pipe. Go left into the long

tunnel, and kill the trooper. Once you reach the end of the tunnel,

there will be a cutscene showing it explode behind you. Proceed down

the hallway and take the door on the right, leading to some stairs.

At the bottom you'll find a room with three hovering droids, take them

out, and notice the small lift along the left wall, with an ammo

recharger at the top. Ride it up and recharge. You can go through the

door here if you want, but it only leads to the 2nd red tunnel, which

will blow up when you get halfway through it, forcing you to go back

anyway. So, once you finish using the recharger, hop back down and

find the other small lift located behind the glass panel. This takes

you up to a short passageway that leads outside. You will now be next

to the radar dish you saw in the cutscenes a few steps back. Kill the

two hover droids, then walk along the roof of the passageway on the

right. There is a hole in the roof at the end...drop down and kill the

2 troopers. Head left through the small door and kill the officers and

trooper, then grab the ammo and healthkit from the shelf. The green-lit

door leading out of this room will run you into yet more troopers and an

officer, as well as a console with the final command code, the red one.

Go out the door to the left of the console and kill the three troopers.


You will notice that you are back in the hallway next to the room

with the satellite buttons. Turn right to go back in this room. It

should be fairly easy to backtrack through the room, past the stairs and

through the security area, out onto the main array platforms. Finally!

You can turn the damn thing on. For each panel, press the three buttons

until the image matches the icon in your objectives. Once all 3 icons

match, go to the last side of the array and push all three switches. A

walkway will extend in front of you, allowing progress forward. You

radio Jan to tell her to prep the ship, and then continue on your way.

Go straight through this new door, and on to the next level.



Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast


Walkthrough for Level 2 (kejim_base)




Starting Out


Walk forward, but don't go past the window on your left. Inch by

until you can see some small gas tanks. Shoot through the window and

blow up the tanks; this will kill the 2 troopers that were standing next

to them. Go around the window and kill the remaining four troopers and

the officer. In this hallway, there are two rooms to either side and a

locked door at the end. The two side rooms contain various weapons and

health, so grab em. Proceed to the locked door and get your first

"security" key off of the dead officer. To the right of the door, you

will see a lock mechanism. This is another thing to remember...all the

security keys you get will unlock a door with this type of lock. Open

it, and you will see a room with two troopers and a wall mounted turret

at the far wall. Blast all three. To your right is a locked door that

leads to the security booth. Go left through the unlocked door. This

leads to a hallway with 2 troopers. At the end, there is a shelf with

the standard ammo pack/health kit. To your left is a button that will

open the large security door on the right side of the hallway. Once

this door opens, shoot the glass and climb through onto the small

platform with two switches. Take a look at the freezer in the middle

of the room.




The Freezer


Pressing the two buttons will move the arms inside the freezer.

The single button over to your left simply deactivates the forcefield

which leads to the hallway you just climbed out of (saving you the

trouble of climbing back through). Go to the right of the freezer and

kill the officer, swiping his key in the process. As soon as you start

to go down the stairs he was guarding, you'll be greeted with two new

hover droids, and two troopers on a ledge above you. Wipe out these guys,

and check out the two locked doors at the bottom of the stairs...you'll

be back here later. Head out to the freezer again, looking with the two

switches behind you. Break the windows on the freezer if needed, then

jump in and head through the door on the bottom. You'll take some damage

due to the cold, but not too much. In this new room, look to the right

for a switch. Hit it, and the door next to it will open, exposing a

control panel. Turn it on and you will see a diagram of some type of

power levels dropping. You've just turned off the freezer =). Head up

the stairs, hit the switch and go out the door. Notice that you're right

back where those 2 troopers and droids were. Go back out to the freezer

and jump in again, but stay on the ledge. Jump up onto the arm, and then

up to the catwalk. Don't go forward just yet. Move left, along the

ridge on the outside of the freezer. On the opposite end you'll find the

first secret, a supply crate with shields and a battery. Now, go back

around to the catwalk. There is a door in front of you, but look left

and you'll see an ammo recharger and a belt of detonators hidden behind

some pipes. Jump over to use it and you'll get the second secret. Go

back on the catwalk and proceed through the door. This takes you out

onto the second level of a large room. This will be designated the

"pool room"...take note of the pool of water below you. Don't fall in,

its electrified.



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Pool Room/Quest for Goodies


Kill the two hover droids, and then walk straight out to the

structure in the center. From this spot you should be able to take out

the two troopers and the officer over on the left, through the windows.

You can get the two troopers on the bottom level too, by the stairs.

They're guarding the door to the "goodie room", as i call it. Go over

to the left side of the pool room, take the lift down and get to the

stairs where you just killed those 2 troopers. The door at the bottom

will lead you to a big room with lots of goodies stashed on high ledges.

There are three turrets guarding the goodie room, take them out. Now

you're going to find a way to get those goodies =)

Head back out the door, up the stairs into the pool room, and

back up the lift to the second level. Make your way over to the windows

on the second floor, and look inside the room. Shoot the explodable

container inside; it will burn out the switch next to it and extend a

platform that leads into the room. Go in, grab the health/ammo on the

shelf, and press the button. Take the small lift in this room down, and

take the blaster rifles on the wall if you need them. Head down the

hallway and into a security booth. Hit the switch and you'll see a bunch

of blocks raise up from the floor, making some of those goodies

accessible. Head back down the hallway, up the lift, back into the pool

room again, and down to the stairs to get back in the goodie room. With

the turrets out of the way, it will be easy to hop up and snag the health

canisters and shield boosters. Go back out to the pool room. You'll

notice that on the first floor, on one side, there is walkway leading to

the big structure in the middle. Walk forward and a door will open up,

exposing the inside. Go in, drop in the hole, then turn around and

crouch through the long tunnel.




Cryo Room/Continued Goodies Quest


At the end is a large room, designated the "cryo room". You'll

find out why in a sec. On your left is a big storage area with big glass

containers. On your right is an unlocked door, and in the far right

corner there is a health canister sitting on a console. Go over, grab

it, and press the button. You'll see four cryo chambers pop up from the

floor. Now, go over to the red-lit hallway by the cryochamber, through

the door and hit the switch in this second booth overlooking the goodie

room. Notice that the blocks change position, and new turrets appear.

Head back out the hallway and down the stairs to the goodie room. Kill

the turrets, and claim your rewards =). Once you're done, go back up

the stairs to the cryo room, and over to the other end. Climb up to the

unlocked door and go through. You'll see an officer standing guard at a

console behind a glass-windowed security station. Once you shoot him,

five or six troopers will come at you. After killing them, walk forward

and be ready for the ceiling mounted turret on your right. Flip the

switch where the officer was standing, and get his supply key. Now,

facing the station from the way you came in, you can either go left or

right. Keep a mental note of this spot...I'll call this the "T"

junction for reference. Going right leads down to detention cells, left

is a corridor. Back the way you came is the cryo room. Here's a quick

printout, just to make sure you're all in the right spot:



|_| << Security Station

________| |________

________ ________ >> Down stairs to cells

<< Hallway | |

| |

| |vv Cryo Room




T Junction - Going Left


Start by going left. When you see that the hallway turns left

again, be ready for the officer that's hiding in the corner...he's

holding a security key. Once you get it, continue down the hallway and

use the key on the locked door. The next room overlooks the cryo room.

Go over to the left and press the two buttons (**The order actually

matters here...you have to press the one on the right first). Now

proceed through the unlocked door at the end of the room, and through

the hallway. You will come to a room with a wall turret on your immediate

left, another on the far right, and a security booth in the middle. Once

both turrets are destroyed, go over to the right one. There's another

explodable container blocking a duct. Blow it up, climb through, and then

shoot the grate to get out. You're now inside the security booth you just

saw. Hit the two switches and then go down the stairs and out the booth's

door. In front of you will be a locked door. However, you'll hear guards

behind it planting a mine. Walk forward a bit...they'll yell "get clear!",

the door will open, and they'll get nuked by it =). Go into this room,

kill the four troopers and the officer, and get his security key. Go left,

up the few stairs and down the hallway. You'll now be in yet another

booth that overlooks the goodie room. Hit the switch...the blocks will

change, new turrets, you know the drill. Go back out the hallway into the

room, and use your key on the door on your left. Be careful here...there's

a trooper in the room, but three trip mines as well. Throw a grenade in to

set them off. Once it's safe, head through to the lift and move down to the

goodie room. If you crouch and sneak forward, you can get a good number of

the turrets. There's only one new accessible goodie ledge, so i only took

out the turrets by that one. Grab the goodies and head back up the lift

once you're done. Walk out into the room, and....




...At this point, you have two choices. You can go back to the T

junction and get some stuff there, or you can continue forward. This

guide assumes you will be going to back, but you don't have to. Take

the door on the right that you came through. Take another right to go

through the room with the 2 turrets and the security booth, along the

hallway, through the room overlooking the cryotubes, and finally, back

to the T junction.




T Junction - Going Right


Head down towards the detention cells and explore around. In on part

you'll find a switch that turns off a forcefield, leading back into the

pool room. No need to go in there yet. Keep looking around the cells

and you'll find a lift that takes you up to the second level. At the

top, head out the thin door and look around. You can see the tops of

the cells over to the left, another thin door ahead of you, and a

locked door to the right. Go in the thin door...this leads to a

security booth you saw a loooong time ago. Hit the two switches and then

go back out to the right, over on top of the cells. Kill the officer at

the end of the room and hit the switch by him. The cell forcefields are

now deactivated. Drop down in one of them, but be careful. There are now

2 new hover droids, when they attack you, your view gets all loopy and

your health will drain. Dispatch them quickly. Now explore the rooms

that were previously blocked by the forcefields. One has a shelf with

ammo/healthkit and a supply crate holding a health canister. The other

has a detonation pack and a grenade belt. Now, go back up the stairs

and into the T junction again.




T Junction - Going Left, continued


Go the way you went the first time: through the hallway, past the room

overlooking the cryo room, through the short hallway, into the room with

the 2 turrets and the security booth. Continue straight through the

door out of this room, and take the first door on your left. Once back

in this room, look at the door to your right. It seems like it has a

forcefield blocking it, but it doesn't. Once through, you will a see

door open up, to a room with a bunch of stormtroopers, with one of them

manning a big ass gun. Kill them off with the help of all those

explodable crates. Once you take out the gunner, make your way around

behind him, flip the switch, and then hop in the gun. Have fun mowing

down the troopers that come at you. Once they're dead, head into the

room they came from. Here, there is a crystal inside a large machine.

Move over to the red control area on the left, and hit the buttons.

The machine will go haywire, shooting lasers everywhere. You'll have

to duck, and crouchwalk all the way around the machine. You want to

make it through the hole it blasted in one of the doors. Once you're

through there, head down the stairs and look to your right. There's a

computer cluster behind a locked glass door, but you don't have the key

yet. Head left towards the door at the end. Be careful here. Inside

the next room are two dead officers, one with the security key you need

for that glass door. However, they're dead because of some weird

electrical radiation that has flooded the room. Make sure you have some

health before you go in...you'll have to zip in, snag the key and get

back out again. As long as you're quick, the radiation won't finish

you off. go back to the glass door, unlock it and check out the console.

Kyle remarks that it controls droids...hehe, now for some fun. As soon

as you press the button, your view is shifted to a tiny droid you now

have control over. move forward and out into the room. As the droid,

you can safely go into the radiation room. Scurry over to the small

little droid door, and hit the button. go inside, and head right, into

a small blue crawlspace. At the end is a room that has another little

droid button on the wall in the corner. Move down the ramp on the left

and hit it. That radiation room is now safe. Press spacebar to switch

back to your normal view, and head inside the room. Go left and around,

you'll find a door. It leads to a room with a bunch of crystals and

stormtroopers. Don't worry about falling in the blue water...the slots

aren't wide enough. Make your way through the room, and exit through

the thin door. You'll see the beginning of a walkway, and a shield

regenerator. Use it if needed, and then proceed down the curved hallway

to the end of the level.




Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast


Walkthrough for Level 3 (artus_mine)




Don't Fall In


Proceed through the canyon passage until you can see the

buildings with the spotlights. Kyle says it'd be a good idea to avoid

them...so that's what you'll do. Drop down and circle around to the

left, and make your way underneath the lights. Walk on the ledge at the

base of the tower, go inside the door, and then flip the switch to turn

off the lights. Move back out, then jump up and get to the octagonal

platform that is right in front of the pipes that extend over the green

river. Hop down, and you'll see the three pipes stretching up to your

right explode when you get close to them. Continue straight, and jump up

from pipe to pipe, until you reach the top. (the pipes will continue to

explode and break as you go up, but don't worry). Once at the top, get

on to the metal walkway, move around to the left, and go up the stairs.

Walk through the door and kill the four or five troopers, and the officer

on the second level as well. The ramp to your left has a lift on either

side of it...take one up so you can grab the security key from the

officer. Drop down and unlock the door at the bottom of the ramp.

You've now inflitrated the mine, completing one of your objectives.


Fill up with the two regen units you find, and proceed to the

next room. Once you get rid of the three officers, get both the

security key and the supply key, and then open the door to your left.

Four troopers are waiting for you on the other side; fry em and then

head down on the lift. the first secret is on your way down...make sure

at the top, you're facing the room you just came from. As the lift

moves down, crouch and get ready to move forward. About halfway down

you'll see a small crawlspace...sneak in there and move toward the end.

A panel will lift up, revealing a belt of thermal detonators. In front

of you is a small hole that leads down to a much larger room. 3

troopers are right below you, talking about an intruder =). Drop a few

grenades on them, then turn around and head to the lift again. Press

the button near the edge to turn it on again, then hop on and ride it

down to that big room. Get rid of the remaining troopers, retrieve the

shield booster from the supply crate by the door, and go over to the

door in the far left corner. The hallway it leads to has a lift at the

end, but as soon as you get there, it speeds up out of your reach. It

comes back down with four troopers on it, so be ready. Ride the lift up

and you will see a hallway the branches out in many directions.




The Crossroads


Head just a bit to the left and stop in the middle of the

hallways. I'll refer to this as the "crossroads" in the future. Head

back up by the lift and go past it, through the next door you find. This

new room is seemlingly empty, but after a few seconds, large panels on

both side of the room will lift up, exposing about 12 troopers. Once

you've finished them off, you can raid the room for a bunch of items.

Move over by the windows and go out through the door onto the walkway.

Go all the way to the end of it, up the stairs and into the new hallway.

Stop at the first intersection and look right...you're now on the other

side of the crossroads. There will be some troopers camped out near

where you first came up on the lift. Get rid of them, but continue in

the same corridor, the that leads straight from the catwalk. You will

pass a checkpoint, and then come to a door. Stop for a second and

listen to the two troopers talking. Run in and kill the troopers and

the officers, grabbing the supply key on the way. Take a moment to

look at the layout of the room. At the far end there are doors on each

side...these lead out to a platform where you can't do much. Go to the

end and use the shield regenerator if you need to, but then go right

back out of the room the way you came. Make your way through the

hallway, and take a left to get to the crossroads.




Up on the Tram


Once at the crossroads, head left, into the rocky corridor with

the supply crate at the end. There's a health canister inside. You'll

encounter a new enemy at this point, but they're not any harder to take

care of than the stormtroopers. Keep moving along to the end of the

passage, where you'll see a cargo door above your head, a shelf with

rifles to the right, and a sloped rock on the ledge, leading up to the

door. Take a second to check out what happens. The door will blink

red a few times, and then it opens up, letting a mining tram through.

It closes, then repeats the process. You want to climb up on the rock,

wait for the door to open, and then jump on top of the tram when it comes

through. This part is a little difficult, it may take a few tries. Once

you're on top, ride it around the corner and jump off to the left, where

you'll see small area leading to a dark green passage. Crawl in, and get

ready to deal with some really annoying bugs with big teeth. I suggest

using your stun baton on them so you don't waste all your ammo. Proceed

through the passage; it doesn't matter which way you go, both directions

lead to the same place. At the end, you'll see a couple dead miners and

a piece of mining equipment. Hit the switch on the back, and it will

drill through the wall for you. Be careful, it leads to a small duct

area with two holes overlooking a pit of lava. The drilling machine

fell through the first hole...move to the second, break the grate, and

wait for the next mining tram to come by. Its path leads right

underneath the hole, so jump down on top when you see it. While you're

waiting, you can kill most of the enemies in the room below. Once

you're on the tram, jump off when it gets close enough to the walkway.




Voyage to the Mine Computer


Go in the door to the left to stock up on ammo, and continue

through the next door to find the supply shelf with ammo/healthkit.

At the end of the walkway, take the lift down to the first level and

finish off whatever enemies are left. Move around the lava pit to the

door on the other side. In this new room, you'll have to jump up on the

large compactor that is smashing up and down. Kill the troopers, and fill

up your shields with the generator at the end of the walkway on the right.

Move over to the left and go through the door. This brings you out on a

ledge overlooking a big room with a number of officers and troopers

below. Use a bunch of detonators to nuke them before you take the lift

to get down. Take the supply key from the officer and open the crate

located to the right of the huge computer. Right next to the crate is

the console switch..press it and you'll be shown a small cutscene.






The mine is now exploding around you...go to the door in the far

corner of the room, through the hallway and the next door. You will now

be in the main room with the catwalk above you. go straight ahead, the

same way you went the first time...through the door, up the lift, and

turn right down the hallway (the crossroads are now blocked by a pile of

rocks). Kill the two enemies and continue to the end of the hallway, and

you'll wind up in the room that had the first big trooper ambush.

There's a few more here again, so get rid of them quickly and go up the

ramp to the left and through the door. A tram is sitting on the track

in front of you...use the supply shelf on the wall if you need it, and

then ride to the next level.



Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast


Walkthrough for Level 4 (artus_detention)




Escape! (continued)


You're not out of the mine quite yet. The track in front of you

has been destroyed, so kill the troopers and then slide down the support

beam that has fallen on the left side. Climb up on to the walkway, and a

large piece of the structure will collapse right beside you, creating a

slope to hop up. It takes a few jumps, but it is possible. Kill the

trooper on top if he's not dead already, then flip the red button. Drop

back down the slope, and enter the door underneath. Kill the lone

trooper, and try to get the rest that are shooting from behind the

windows, as you progress down the hallway. Once you are all the way to

the left end, the locked door on the other end will open, letting in

three more troopers. As usual, dispense with the whoop-ass and continue

through. There is a lift in front of you, a supply shelf to the right,

and a long hallway around to the left, where those troopers were hiding

before. Walk around that way, filling up on energy and shields from the

regen units, and hit the button at the end. This unlocks the door

directly to your left, on the other side of the wall (you'll see the

lights turn green). You can take the lift up, but there isn't much

there. Go back out to the original hallway and through the door you

just unlocked. This lets you into a large room with ringed platforms

extending up for several levels.




Up, Up, and Away


This next section is fairly simple to explain, although it may

be more difficult to actually get through. Run around to the left on the

ground floor, killing whatever troopers you find, and go in the first door

you see. This leads to the stairs up to the first ring platform. Go up,

out on to the ring, and kill the troopers. Do this again the same way,

moving up to the second and third rings (at each higher platform, you'll

run into more enemies than the one before, make sure you watch your ammo

and health). On the final platform, take the stairs up to a new room.

It will have a few officers to get rid of, and some random supply shelves.

On the immediate left is one of the many security monitors in the base...

check it out to see some of the poor imprisoned miners. Time to let them

out...over in the right corner is the button you need to push. You'll see

a small cutscene showing all of the miners escaping from that large

structure in the ring room. Before you leave this room, make sure you hit

the other switch underneath the display with the fan on it. once you

press it, the fan starts spinning...this will come into play later. Go

back down the set of stairs you came up, and instead of going left (out

on to the platform), go right through the other large cargo door. Around

the corner there is a ceiling turret, take care of it and then go straight

through the door. This room has ammo and shield regen units, and when

you're done, move along back out into the hallway, where you can see a

prisoner waiting for you. He describes the situation, and give you some

new goals. Follow him out into the large hangar.




Mmmmm, TIE Fighters


Keep following him towards the little skirmish in the hangar bay,

and help out the other prisoners if necessary. You should see a lift

nearby; take it up to the platform. Go through the door at the end, and

kill the three troopers standing guard. Walk through the next door, and

you will be on a short walkway above a set of stairs. Turn right, shoot

open the grate, and jump over to climb inside. Crawl through to the end,

take the lift up to the next passageway, and follow it to the opening.

Here you will see a fan at the bottom of a large shaft. There is also

an open grate close to the end of the shaft as well. Jump down, and the

air currents will slow your fall. Guide yourself over on top of the

grate, and go through. Once out of the passageway, turn left and walk

around to find a breakable grate along the wall. Shoot it open to find

a secret area. Continue around until you see those little bug creatures

scampering into another passageway. Follow them, zapping them with your

stun baton when necessary. At the end of the passage, jump out and you

will be in an area similar to the one you encountered in the last level;

dark, green, and full of bugs. This, too, has a couple diverging

paths....however, the best method is to just switch on your light

goggles, and run through, avoiding the bugs entirely. If you're not

sure about which way to go, always pick the path leading upward. It may

seem to go on forever, but you'll eventually come to an opening, where

you'll hear the troopers having their own problems with the bugs =).

Head out and kill whoever is left. Once you've collected the goodies

in this room, head out the door and deal with the four stormtroopers.




Follow the Leader


You should now be faced with two doors. Take the one on the left

first. It leads to a small hallway with a locked door straight ahead,

and another door on the left. Go in this left door, flip the switch on

the console which unlocks that door. Go back out, but DON'T go down the

ramp. Head back through the door you came in, into the small room where

you have the two choices of doors. Now go through the right door.

Circle around to the right until you see a shield regen unit on the far

wall. Go over to it, but you'll probably have to kill the troopers that

swarm in first. After they're done with, charge your shields and stand

with your back to the unit. Head straight down towards the red area in

the room, where you'll see stairs and an unlocked door. There's an

officer in the next room; don't kill him or you'll fail the mission!

You'll take him hostage so he can lead you to the next area. You'll

have to get behind him, and he walks very slowly, so be patient. Once

you both get to the big stairway, make sure there aren't any lingering

troopers. If they accidentally shoot him, you'll have to start over

again. At the top of the stairs he will open the door for you, letting

in a trooper trying to get away from those damn bugs. They'll get him,

and then go after you two...don't let them chomp the officer! You still

need him. After the bugs are dead he'll lead you into the next room.

After walking a little bit, he'll turn on you and pull out a gun. Yes,

NOW you can kill him...along with the five other troopers that just

rushed in. Go through the door on the right, and over to the lift.

Drop some bombs on the two enemies below, then head down. In the next

room will be some more troopers and a whole bunch of black suits in

display cases. Head left for the ammo regen, and right for the shield

regen. Move to the end of the room, shoot out the large grate, and

crawl through the passage on the right, and on to the next level.




Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast


Walkthrough for Level 5 (artus_topside)




Save the Prisoners


You'll see a short cutscene showing the escaped prisoners pinned

down by enemy fire, and Kyle popping out of the tube. As soon as you

start playing, you'll see an AT-ST heading straight for you! Head

immediately to your left and go through into the windowed room with the

trooper and the officer. Kill them, grab his supply key, then hit the

switch to activate the big lift outside. Run out and get on the lift...

if you're quick, you won't take too much damage from that AT-ST. At the

top, run around and hop in the turret gun. Swing around and blast the

AT-ST from above, and then turn back around to help protect the

prisoners. Shoot the troopers along the top ledge first...if you don't

do this quickly, too many prisoners will die and you'll fail the mission.

Once the troopers on the ledge are finished, there will be a few more

shooting you from the ground. Another AT-AT will emerge from behind a

large door, but you can hold it in place and just waste it with the

turret. After you're done, the prisoners will thank you, and you'll

get a message from Jan. You now have an additional task, disabling

the ion cannons.




Ion Cannons


Head up the ramp to the green door, and grab the shield booster

from the crate inside. Go back out, and take the big lift down to the

ground level again. Go around to the left and you'll see the big

cannons, if you hadn't noticed before. Run along the canyon floor

towards the end, taking care of the troopers as you go. Once you get

close, a 3rd AT-ST will come out. You don't have a gun to protect you

this time, so you can run all the way back to the one you just used, if

you really feel like it. After the AT-ST is destroyed, go to the end of

the canyon, into the bay where it came out. There is a small door on the

right side. Take the small lift inside the next room up to the platform,

go out the next door and you'll be by the ledge where you had mowed down

all those troopers. Run to the right, along that ledge, and at the end

you'll find a secret behind the breakable grate. Head back over by the

door you came out, and continue on toward the ion cannons. There is

another turret gun close by, but it won't do any damage to them. When

you get to the first one, check out the octagonal walkway around it.

See the energy fluctations? every time the cannon fires, there is an

energy discharge that spreads through the walkway. If you're standing

on it while it's charged, you're toast. Time it so you can run over to

the pipes behind the cannon...you're safe here. Then time your run again

to get off the rest of the platform. Progress forward and do the same

thing for the next cannon.


Once you're past the 2nd one, go past the turret gun and through

the door straight ahead. Waste the troopers and grab the health

canisters, then go through the left door. There's another trooper and

a ceiling turret here. Dispatch them and head through the door on the

right. You will now be on a ledge above a large cargo bay. Be careful

in proceeding to the next doorway...there is a tripmine placed very low

on the ground. Throw a detonator in and continue onward. You should

see the small lift on the walkway. If you go past it, into the next

room, you'll find a shield regen unit. Stock up, then go back out and

down the lift. On this next level will be a few troopers, and a large

lift in the corner. Take the large lift down to the bottom floor, kill

the enemies, and grab the officer's security key. head through the door

for another small battle, grab the supply key, then go through the

locked door. After getting rid of the two officers in this room, go over

and press the control panel. This shuts down the ion cannon shields, but

you'll still have to go back and destroy them, as Jan will tell you.

Backtrack through the rooms, out into the cargo bay, up the two lifts,

around the ledge, and through the doors that lead you back outside. Now

you can hop in the turret gun and waste the ion cannons.



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