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What was your favorite/most cinematic fight or part of a fight?


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Just curious if people want to describe/tell the tale of their favorite or most cinematic fight either MP or SP.


My three favorites right now are Single Player.


The first is on the Bespin Streets level where two reborn attack you at once (in the fountain looking area). Anyhow, seeing the area and figuring it'd be a good place for a Reborn Ambush I took out the lightsaber and sheathed it. Walking forward the two reborn jumped out and started attacking. I immediately did the jump forward flip attack which immediately killed one of the two (it just looked cool as I jumped two horizontal swipes into a death blow). Me and the remaining reborn fought it out, in a decent fight when I managed to get a lucky break and killed him with a diagonal swipe.


The next is in the fight against Tavion on Bespin. The fight in general was just fun, but my favorite part was the ending. I did the flip attack, which she blocked, and then backflipped her saber throw. She charged, did the flip attack which I blocked, and with her behind me I did the medium stance version of the backwards thrust. Kyle spins around with that huge attack and it blocks Tavion's attack for my head putting us into a saber lock. The lock fight goes on for a while with us both giving and getting until she finally wins. On the ground I quickly did what I could do scramble to my feet, rolled forward and past tavion, turned around, and managed to kill her with the flip attack as she did her own backwards thrust attack.


Finally is the scene where you fight with Luke. We'd just killed the storm troopers, and I sheathed the blade on the lightsaber. I hear the laughing and the sabers of the reborn as they enter and I see Luke go for one as one charges me. I go to back up and attack him as I go and Kyle spins around cutting the reborn behind me in half before coming back around and getting into a saber lock with the reborn in front of him. Kyle shoved the reborn to the ground and quickly finished him off before going on to help Skywalker with the rest of them.


Thats where I stopped playing for now, so please, tell the tale of your favorite lightsaber fights.

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I had a long duel earlier. Lots of great blocks and parrys, heh one spun my guy around the hit was so hard. During the course of this duel i ended up locking sabers twice with the other guy. Best duel ive been in or seen so far. I won too :D

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I was with Luke at the docking bay when the stormies came in. I threw the saber, killing 3 on the way to them and 1 on the way back. Then the Reborn came in. I turned around, fought with them, accidentally hitting Luke quite a few times, and ended up killing the reborn boss with force grip (not exactly spectacular, I know). Then I heard the sound of a lightsaber directly behind me and I did the backward stab thing and decapitated Luke Skywalker. :D

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Did anyone else have to do that fight with Luke over a few times because the reborn kept wooping Luke's ass? I swear I must have had to do it 5 times. On the last time I did nothing but watch Luke's back to make sure he was not getting killed. They sure made Luke a wussy in this game. hehe.

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It's not just Luke. It's Sabering along side Jedi in general. It's hard to tell when your friends are going in for a strike - and they pretty much fight like you're not even invited to the party.


I remember one of the Reborn fights at Yavin. The Jedi Trainer followed me to the arena. He took one, and I took the other. He finished his off pretty fast, and I was still working on mine.


I threw my Reborn down with a Force Grip and proceeded with a Saber Throw. The Jedi Trainer apparently didn't see my Saber coming, as he cartwheeled right into it. He killed my guy, but I chopped him up in the process......


Basically, the game needs a friendly defense bonus or something. Like having your allies automatically block any accedental attack you hit them with. That way, you can fight along side them in pure confidence, and not stand and whatch, only because you're affraid you'll kill Luke when you want to help him.


I'm pretty sure that can be modded.

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There is, of course, the 'friendly fire' problem that seems to be resident in all Q3-base games: if (when) you accidentally clip a friendly with fire, they will proceed to ignore the enemy and hose you down instead, which can be a bit of a problem if killing them means you fail the mission.

I'm forever grazing Bespin guards with small-arms fire (it's good to use something other than the sabre now and again to keep the hand in...) and I'm so pleased there's no penalty other than my pride for killing them, otherwise I'd be forever redoing that mission.



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Two funny things:


First of all, with Tavion, because of the cutscene, you have to finish her on the platform, you cant push her down into the abyss and win that way...


Needless to say, i still wanted to try it :D


The result, if she was jumping, and i gave her a good push that send her flying off, she reversed direction in mid air (!!!!) over the abyss and still landed on the platform... lol


Funny thing number 2:


I was fighting the 4 (i think it was 4) reborn with Luke, and anyway, we had em all but one, so i rush at that one, and proceed to completely annihilate him with force lightning, he dies from that, and then the cutscene kicks in... Somethings changed, you seem less, angry


I was laughing out loud, just lightninged a reborn to death, and luke tells me im less angry :)

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yeah, I was laughing at that too. Was like, "Were you in the same fight I was? I just ripped the gun out of a Storm Troopers hand making him defenseless, shoved him to the ground, and then removed his head while he was defenseless. I then turned around and used two dark side powers to kill more before completely destroying reborn with out mercy."


Oh, and Luke wasn't a wuss in my game, he held his own and fought really well. We split the reborn evenly :)

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Cool thread..


Hmm let's see. The first ever guy you get to duel with in SP is the one that leaps off the top of the wall on Bespin after shouting "Jedi!!!!" and igniting his lightsaber, right? Well, heh.. I replayed that fight about 50 times, over the period of an hour I guess. Just had immense fun exploring all these new skills. I got a couple of really nice kills on him out of all those times. One being that back spin you do, and slicing his right arm off at his wrist, and watching hand and still ignited lightsaber drop to the floor, with him clutching his stump groaning in pain. That was superb. :D


The slow death animation is so cool in fact, that I don't even mind dying to enemy jedi because it's cool watching Kyle get blown back/sideways/spun 4 times in midair/flopping/falling over and dying, seeing the lightsaber deactivate and hearing the clink-clink as it hits the floor. ;)


What had me laughing the most were the stormtrooper conversations. Omg they are funny as hell. Would love to see the scripts of those. I'd even wait to hear them all the way to the end, heh.


"I once took on two jedi myself."

"Yeah right."

"No really, I did. They're not that tough really.."

"Yeah yeah, you'll probably be the first to go down.."

-I was only happy to oblige. ;)

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Oh yeah.. out of the 4 that jump down, Luke took on 3 and killed them, whilst I fought with one.


Heh, he was no wuss in my game. In fact, I have feeling I didn't need to reload or anything. It was just straight-through, first time round.


I think I *did* reload a quicksave, just so I could register what happened. Hehehe.

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I posted this in another thread, but I'll post it again here. I was fighting a Shadow Trooper near the end of the Yavin Swamp area and I did that weird-looking mid-air spin/flip thing (run towards an enemy then press primary attack+jump at the same time). I landed to his side and slightly behind him, then aimed a sabre swing at his neck. Not only did I behead him, when my swing came back across his body, I cut his torso in two. The slo-mo cam was on the whole time, I wish I had thought to take some screenshots but I was in such a state of awe I couldn't think clearly. But it looked frigging bad-ass.


Note that I was playing with g_saberRealisticCombat on.

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Another thing that was kind of cool was when I was going through the Jedi Academy, and I was helping the Jedi Trainer and another Jedi fight off Reborn. The Jedi went down, then the Reborn who wasted him came after me while the Jedi Trainer was fighting another Reborn. I took out my Reborn and heard the Jedi Trainer getting hit, so I spun around to where he was, then gripped the Reborn and held him dangling in the air while the Jedi Trainer cleaved him in two at the waistline. That was pretty funny.

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My favourite battle, by far, happened last night. I was on the Doomgiver, running through the hangar bays. I entered a bay with a lot of stormtroopers (no surprise), when I saw a saber ignite. I immediately lept back and said "Aww sh**". I started doing full force jumps and force pulling groups of stormtroopers at me so they'd hit the ceiling and die (it's damned funny, try it). That's when I landed and saw a second saber ignite, meaning I had two reborn in the bay with me. I pulled a couple more troopers into the ceiling when I noticed that they weren't shooting at me anymore. I landed and started meleeing the Reborn as the troopers stood there watching the battle. Flip slice and the first Reborn goes down followed by a spin slash and the second follows. After the slow-mo death, Kyle just stands there, saber in hand, panting slightly. That's when every trooper opened fire on him simultaneously. I so wish I had a demo of that fight.

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Definitely the big fight on Yavin where Kyle and two others take on two Reborn and two Shadowtroopers. I finished off a Shadowtrooper in record time, at about the same time as one of the Jedi got struck down by the other one. I heard the other Jedi get hit, so I switched to Strong style and cleaved one of the Reborn with a down-slash. Then, I switched back to Fast (Anyone who's played me in MP knows that's my preferred lightsaber style) and spun around, hitting the other Shadowtrooper. I jumped over him, then turned and hit him with a bolt of lightning before switching to medium, running forward, and slicing his arm off. By this time the last Reborn had killed the other Jedi, so I switched back to Fast and charged him. We got into a lock, which I won, then I did a wallrun behind him, spun around, gripped him and threw my saber at him, which quickly finished him off. I then raced off to face Desann...

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I just had a couple more cool fights on the Pit map and the map the Wessman made (Massassi temple, 10 reborn, 4 reborn bosses, and tavion)


In the pit one, I died but it was a really cool fight with Tavion, we were both going at it, and we threw in every acrobatic maneuver we could possibly think of. We got into a saber lock and I shoved her to the ground, thinking I had it won I switched to heavy stance and charged for the over hand attack while she was on the ground. Just before I could hit her, Tavion jumps to her feet, and force pushes me into the hole (the pit in the pit I guess) then jumps down and finishes me off.



The ones on the Wessman map:


The funniest death I had was I threw my saber and it killed a reborn, unfortunately this left me vunerable and a Reborn boss killed me. The saber slice removed my hand at the wrist, my arm at the arm pit and my head. So I'm watching the slow motion death animation, and the lightsaber returns to my hand just as it finishes completely seperating from my wrist. Kyle's body drops and the head ends up looking at the hand with the extinguished lightsaber.


Next one: I was playing around on Wessman's map and got to tavion. Decided it'd be fun to show her what it's like to be outnumbered and I spawned Luke to help me fight her. Anyhow, the fight goes on, Tavion is doing a decent job of holding us both off, and so I go for the flip attack. Tavion rolls back and force pulls luke into the way, so I end up decapitating/disarming Luke and landing with my back to Tavion. I quickly shifted to light stance and redeemed myself by killing her with the back-thrust attack. But still, it was kinda embarassing killing Luke with some friends watching (was showing how cool the lightsaber fighting was)


Final one: Same map, I'd killed everyone and decided I wanted to fight more people so I spawned Desann, another Tavion, and a jedi (2 on 2 fun :) ) Anyhow, I take Desann and we're having a decent fight, we get into three saber locks and I shove him down. Desann quickly got up and did a spin attack to get some air. We have a running pass and then the screen goes slow motion after the attacks. I have no clue who hit who and as I look two light sabers go flying complete with hands but no bodies, Kyle's head rolls back off his head, and Desann's legs didn't leave the striking place but his torso did. My first JKII Double KO :)

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I think my favorite was the final battle,. I had had to reload about 25 times because I had gotten my hat handed to me, my fault really, forgot to use the proper force techniques, anyhoo....

This last fight had gone on for about 10 minutes when I switched to light stance and when Desann jumped over me, I did the backward thrust that only the light stance can do and WHAM! the slo-mo kicks in and the camera begins to rotate....

I was so shocked I forgot to take a screenshot!

all I could say was.....SWEEET!!!!

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