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Which Side Do You Think is Superior in Multiplayer?


Which Side Do You Think is Superior in Multiplayer?  

93 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Side Do You Think is Superior in Multiplayer?

    • Light Side
    • Dark Side
    • Both Are Equally Matched

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Which Side Do You Think is Superior in Multiplayer?


1. Light Side


2. Dark Side


3. Both are equally matched


I personally think it depends on what sort of people you are playing. While I play with the bots...both sides seem equal for the most part. If your playing online with ppl and they don't have Force Seeing or don't use it then I would clearly say the Light is better than Dark. With the addition of Force Drain in JKII, Dark side is much stronger than it was in JK1 I think...save the Deadly Sight and Force Destruction that JK1 had. On the Light side though....the self healing rocks I must say unless someone drains you...hehe.

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haven't really used the light side in detail, but in my opinion dark rules over light any day.


drain is so quick to get back your health with the added bonus of draining them so they can't fight your grip etc.


grip is awsome to use against newbs or after you've drained someone :)

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I started playing DARK when I got the game. Now today, I switched to light. I must say, light is alot more powerful then I thought. I use invisibilty + red swing + kicks, and I am winning all my duels. I think both sides have advantages, but Im gonna go with LIGHT.

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Light invisibility? Wha?


I try to play Light just for freaking balance. Every one and their mom plays Dark and just floats people off walkways to their death. I just got off a game where this one guy was owning everyone, and he may have been a good player besides, but whenever I ran into him, he was hanging around a room with a pit or a drop. Then, click and drag your enemy... too cheap to use constantly.


If Grip is Dark's "killer" power, what's Light's? Or is Grip worse than say, Lightning? I'm interested in who thinks what is the best power for either side.

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Originally posted by Prox Kolari

Light invisibility? Wha?


I try to play Light just for freaking balance. Every one and their mom plays Dark and just floats people off walkways to their death. I just got off a game where this one guy was owning everyone, and he may have been a good player besides, but whenever I ran into him, he was hanging around a room with a pit or a drop. Then, click and drag your enemy... too cheap to use constantly.


If Grip is Dark's "killer" power, what's Light's? Or is Grip worse than say, Lightning? I'm interested in who thinks what is the best power for either side.

i admit I haven't played alot of MP yet, but if u have absorb can they do anything to you?


And the invisibility is maked out mind trick.




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I have been playing as a Light Jedi, for much the reason that you detailed Prox. Every server I jump on is overrun with Dark Jedi. Played on a NS Streets level last night for a couple hrs as a light jedi. I had actually been avoiding that map on most of servers I played since it ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS detiorated in a grip and drop match by the Dark Side. Well last night, I stopped running from my fears ;) and met my destiny head on.


As a light jedi there are two powers you need to max out on...force heal and most importantly force ABSORB. Beyond having these two skills you must also know when to use them. Absorb is tricky to use well. Use it too much and you will be vulnerable.

To sum up, last night as my skill with using absorb got better and better, the Dark Jedi kept falling quicker and quicker. When they're expecting you to just fall over a ledge and then you start glowing blue and rushing at them....well the look on their faces in front of their computers must be priceless. I took out giant swaths of Dark Jedi hanging around the pit areas all night until they finally dispersed and started playing other areas of the map. I wasn't by any means perfect, and even using my absorb I would run out sometimes, or get hit with a Drain that my finger wasn't fast enough for, but it got people playing the whole map instead of just hanging out in one small part, racking up the easy kills.



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I started out as a dark jedi aswell, but switched yesterday because of the overweight of dark power like said above


I didn't think it would be any good, but it's very powerful and a lot of fun.... We should have listen to Yoda... the dark side isn't stronger only more seductive and easier to master

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in TFFA, the dark seems a bit more powerful, but absorb can stop that. Grip i can deal with, but the lightning can cause alot of headaches when you get hit from the side while engaged in another battle.


In CTF, it depends on what side of the map you are on. Dark seems to me to be a defensive players tool, while the self defense capabilities of the Light are good for the cappers and support O players.

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So far I have played all duels with saber only and force powers and I've seen the same things happen over and over again. I come into a dueling server and I see this one seemingly skilled player dominating everyone. It seems like there is a race to drain your opponent before he drains you. They drain you, then they use lightning or grip to snip away at your health. I know you can use force heal and absorb on the light side(which I use) but the problem with them is that you have to be REACTIVE. You can't simply walk around with absorb they just wait for you to run out of power or turn it off and drain you. Also, drain takes away your power so fast you can't even react with absorb if they do small bursts of drain. So light side players are forced to put on Absorb at the beginning of the match and try and quickly eliminate the enemy b4 it runs out. Usually the dark players will just run away until it runs out Usually the ones who confront me get a nice decapitation with my strong lightsaber. I think drain is a lame power, it should be taken out.

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Dark side is more powerful until they nerf Force Drain a bit. It can completely drain a target in less than a second. If you're occupied with something other than the drain-wielding dark jedi over your shoulder, you're going to be drained before you can react. Following that, you get hit in the teeth with a grip/saber combo.


Even for those who are experience light side players, and can hit their absorb at the first sign of red lightning, that doesn't help you against intermittent short bursts of drain. You'll eventually run out of force power from the draining or overuse of force absorb.


I don't have any problem with drain healing the dark jedi using it, but the drain factor needs to be calmed down a bit.

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Absorb can counter anything the dark side throws at you.


When fighting someone who is prone to use dark powers on you, just keep absorb on and all you do is get more force power. Frankly, I don't know why anyone would want to be dark: all their agressive powers are cancled out by a single defensive power!


Light rules!

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I think Dark is dominating right now because it's easy to use. The light side is more powerful and I anticipate the better players will pursue the challenge of mastering it. For this reason alone, the light side will eventually dominate. Great players look for challenges and the dark side doesn't offer it.

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As much as I hate being associated with the light side, I must say that I love absorb on the bespin and ns_streets ctf maps. And heal is great when you have absorb on, since most dark siders haven't learned that there are times when using no force is the best tactic.

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Any success as playing a Light Jedi is probably against people who don't understand (haven't tested by playing as one) their force powers.


Light Jedi are always on defense. They have no offensive usefulness. If they activate either absorb or protect (glowing green or blue) just avoid them til it wears off/is deactivited. They just wasted force pool. Now drain the force they have left. Most Light Jedi have success with these powers against people who don't know what they're getting into by attacking/using force on them. A Light Jedi with no force is dead, dead, dead. If he runs to regenerate force powers just alternate drain & lightening. This keeps him from healing/hiding and kills him slowly. Also if you know you're gonna have to deal with a pesky Light Jedi put one point into force seeing. This makes their hide useless as well. It also give them a nasty suprise when they think you are looking for them. For a real treat *wander around* like you don't see them them WHAM! Haha!


One more thing, if you do accidentally hit an absorbed Jedi with a force attack just run. I know it's weak but he will be doing more of it than you will, trust me ;)! If he's glowing green (protect) it's only usefull against physical attacks, so drain him (this will also cancel his protect) and then it's up to you how to slaughter him.



To sum up, last night as my skill with using absorb got better and better, the Dark Jedi kept falling quicker and quicker. When they're expecting you to just fall over a ledge and then you start glowing blue and rushing at them....well the look on their faces in front of their computers must be priceless. I took out giant swaths of Dark Jedi hanging around the pit areas all night until they finally dispersed and started playing other areas of the map. I wasn't by any means perfect, and even using my absorb I would run out sometimes, or get hit with a Drain that my finger wasn't fast enough for, but it got people playing the whole map instead of just hanging out in one small part, racking up the easy kills.


This I do not believe. First of all you you are in a grip, activating absord will not cancel it. You will be thrown over the ledge, "glowing blue" or not. Secondly, if you activated absorb with "giant swaths of Dark Jedi hanging around the pit areas" and didn't get gang-banged by light sabers they were newbies, anyway.



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Actually, it does. And it also leaves you with a healthy amount of force power(usually a little over half).


Guess I need to do some more testing with Light Jedi. I could swear this was not the case, though. Apologies to anyone I misguided.


Let me add, I do think the Light Jedi have the potential to be very powerful, but just as few Dark Jedi know how to deal with them, few Light Jedi know how to play them.



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As of now Dark Side is WAY more powerful than light when used correctly. Last night in a deul server I went around 60 - 7 with using Dark, I fought 2 times with light just to try it out and both times i died ;) Here is the way I used the Dark side. Start out by using drain leaving you with almost all your force left and them with none. Wait for them to attack be constantly draining them of their force. When they attack grip them and raise them above your head drop them and start your swing and by the time they land your saber is already half way through them. It is almost unstoppable. If you use the Dark side right there really is no Light side counter for it. If they use mind trick just use force seeing. If they use protect of asborb just wait till the wear off and then drain them. If they use heal...well they cant really use heal if they don't have any force now can they? In my opinion (this is coming from a Dark Side user mind you), drain needs to be toned down quite a bit. Right now it is THE ultimate force power because it completely disables their force usage while leaving you with more than enough force to do whatever you pleas with, not to mention that it also heals you. I propose that they either make the healing effect drastically reduced, or that drain takes away more of the users force than it does of the victims force.

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I hope Absorb breaks a Grip. Otherwise, the routine is this:


Dark Side: Use Grip on a Light Sider. Drag him to the pit.


Light Side (who had Absorb on, but it failed to stop Grip):

1. Turn off Absorb first.

2. Activate Push.


Maybe if there was a macro for that... anyway, that's hypothetical. If Absorb can't break a Grip, then the biggest problem I've seen on MP with the Dark side remains. (You can stop cheating, but not cheapness...)


And I don't think Absorb should be announced with a big blue halo around you. Dark siders don't have a "Drain Active Warning Light" on them before they use Drain.

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Alright, when I said invisibilty, I meant mind trick. Hers's my offensive LIGHT attack, which works very well. First, I use mind trick. YOu cant see me, you run, but I catch up. I kick you in the face. You will fall down. Kick does not turn off mind trick, so you still cant see me. I kick you once more while you are down, then start a big ass swing with red style saber. Your dead before you recover from the second kick.

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. First of all you you are in a grip, activating absorb will not cancel it. You will be thrown over the ledge, "glowing blue" or not. Secondly, if you activated absorb with "giant swaths of Dark Jedi hanging around the pit areas" and didn't get gang-banged by light sabers they were newbies, anyway.


As Kalashnikov pointed out, on the first point you are incorrect. If you are in a grip and activate force absorb, you drop out of it whereever you are. Granted if a Light Jedi hits it too late (ie while I am already over the chasm, and you haven't yet released the grip), I am goner either way. But as Kal also points out it provides a healthy force boost right when I do punch it up and am not in a foregone position.


Force Drain is really the only counter to absorb, but even then a level 3 Force drain provides almost a full boost to my force pool if I can activate absorb before I run out of force power. I remember several times last night I was force drained down to one bar before I punched up absorb and voila I had a near full force pool almost instantly. I'll need to run some trials on this though. Things were moving pretty fast and I may have been the target of multiple powers, and thus regenerated the pool quickly that way.


As to the second point, I must say I really despise all this elitist condescending to newbie smack that has proliferated the forums. We all were newbies to FPS's at one point, and I'm sorry to say but you cannot claim to have advanced beyond newbie stage in a game that has been out for less than a week. You may be a more advanced newbie but unless you were a beta tester or your nick ends with [Raven], you cannot claim ownage yet. On to your newbies point though, some of them were, some weren't, but after being shown the "light", the map progressed beyond them hanging around the pit. In other words, the newbies LEARNED and showed progress and imrpoved their game beyond the lame grip and choke. If your implication is that absorb will only work on n00bs then you are gravely mistaken :)



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Balancing the force powers is such a tricky issue.


2 people coming into a head on battle both have the same goal... remove as much health from the opponent's bar as possible. I think it's frustrating that some of the force powers actually manipulate the "mana" bar, because this detracts from the general purpose of the fight. That's why you have people running away from battles.


If there was a way to convert DRAIN into some kind of HEAL for the dark jedi / then modify ABSORB so it just counters force powers (without increasing mana), the game would be 100x more balanced...



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I just wish there was more emphasis on saber skill, not tossing people around. You stand next to a pit and you own the match -- what fun is the person having, standing there, besides the kind of fun enjoyed by TKers and spammers?


I'm not above launching some poor bastard into space, but a lot of times I'll kill a newbie (a newer newbie than me, of course, but I'm not just talking JK2), and they die easy, and they respawn very near me. I don't haul off and take them down again because it's cheap; I want to give him a sporting chance. If he attacks me first thing, THEN I'll do it immediately. But I just hate cheap players.

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Right now the force powers aren't anywhere near balanced, push knockdowns too much, Absorb is too powerful, Drain is over powered also. I wouldn't say the darkside is more powerful more the other way around its not powerful at all.


Grip - Counter Push/Aborb

Lightning - Counter Absorb

Drain - Counter Absorb


I see a trend here, absorb imho should have a reuse timer on it. Right now its all to easy to tap absorb on then turn off.


As of now the Dark Jedi are almost neutered too the point of Drain being the only good force, and maybe Dark Rage every now and then.


Light Side is where the power is right now, hopefully Raven will alter force powers for MP abit.

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