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Anyone tried using WingMan RumblePad with JK2?


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Hi everyone. I'm having a bit of a problem with getting my RumblePad to work properly with JK2. :(


I'm trying to set it up so that the left analog stick lets me move forward, back, and turn. I want the right stick to allow me to strafe, jump, and crouch.


For some reason, JK2 won't recognize the Y-axis of the right stick. But it sees the X-axis. I'm not familiar with editing the ".cfg" file, so I don't know how to force this to work.


I can't understand why it's not working. All the other buttons and controls are recognized and work. If I use the RumblePad Properties in the Control Panel, the tests there indicate that the Y-axis of the right stick works just fine.

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Were you able to get your stick 2 x axis to actually slide in an analog fashion, ie not go from zero to full strafe instantly? If so, I'm curious to see how you managed it (I can look around with one joystick just fine, but cannot seem to get analog strafe working).



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Hmm, I'm not 100% sure of what you're saying.


Strafing is normally done using keys on the keyboard. So either you press a key, and strafe in the desired direction, or you're not pressing a key. What I'm getting at, is that strafing is handled by a digital control: by default.


Are you saying you want to be able to strafe more quickly or slowly, by using an analog control? I don't think that's possible. I'm pretty sure that I only strafe if I move the stick all the way to the extreme, in one direction or the other.


Sigh.. I wish I knew how to get my right stick's Y-axis working. Still no luck. :(

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Okay, I finally figured out my problem. JK2 still won't recognize the Y-axis on the right stick, but I got the Profiler to work now. I realized that I had the Profiler run the wrong executable, when I started the game. So now I can jump and crouch with the stick. :)


The next problem to solve, is adjusting the sensitivity of the sticks, and finding a good setting. At their defaults, the sticks are way too sensitive.


As for having a stick allow strafing in an analog fashion: the only way I can see it, is if you map the mouse X-axis to one of the sticks in the Profiler, and have the game set to strafe when you move the mouse right or left. Dunno if that's possible, though. Haven't tried it.


I also have to see if I can get the game to run better . . . sometimes it runs like sh*t on my machine. The part where Lando and Kyle have to defend themselves before taking off for Bespin, was little more than a slideshow for me.

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