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hackers in jk2.


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it has come to my ettention that there are several people out there making hacks/developing hacks from quake3. i so hope this game doesnt turn into another cs.



if your wondering how i no so much its because i am an ex member of *myg0t* ( the biggest hacking clan for cs in the world )




keep it clean pleeze raven. i want this game to involve skill.

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Slight problem.


The engine Raven is using is built off the Q3:TA 1.29 build.


Pretty much all the major client side hacks for the Q3A engine were sorted out long before that.


I mean really, what it comes down to, is that an aimbots not gonna do someone with a saber any good. The shownormals hack is pointless because we can already see people through walls as a game engine feature.


I've alot of positive things to say about the Q3:TA engine. Its not hackless, but it pretty much as hackless as they come. Id constantly patches against security flaws, and Raven will build on that as well.


Chance of JK2 becoming another CS? Zero, because the difference between Half Life (Quake 1 engine) and JK2 (Q3:TA) engine is nearly 5 years of code development.


Good luck hackers. Closest thing you'll see to a hack in this game will be an incredibly annoying script that makes your model dance all the time or something.

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Ya, I can't WAIT for somebody to hack the ability to only have certain force powers, or the ability to instantly recharge.


*due to certain ex-myg0t dumbness, I have to SPELL out........


---------->S A R C A S M<----------------

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The worst thing about the cheating in CS is that it brought cheating into the forefront for so many people. The week after any new FPS hits the shelves everyone is paranoid about cheaters. Within a couple weeks, anyone who is any good at the game gets flamed for cheating by every clueless n00b who feels the world owes them m4d sk1llz0rz in the game just for maintaining the ability to process oxygen. People use the cheats, or suspicion there of, as a crutch for sucking ass at the game.


I could care less if people cheat. If the game is fun, I will play. If cheating ruins the game, I will move on. I would hope thats the motivation for the dev teams to fix alot of the potential problems and put this very very annoying issue to rest.

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Originally posted by jedi-redemption

it has come to my ettention that there are several people out there making hacks/developing hacks from quake3. i so hope this game doesnt turn into another cs.



if your wondering how i no so much its because i am an ex member of *myg0t* ( the biggest hacking clan for cs in the world )




keep it clean pleeze raven. i want this game to involve skill.


Oho. Fear that mad wallhack. "I'M GONNA SABER YOU THROUGH THE WALL!".


Sure, there are aimbots too. However, that's more hindrance than help when sabering, and if guns are easy to avoid. If you can't avoid them if they have an aimbot on, you most likely can't avoid it without it on either, so not much of an advantage there.

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There are a couple of exploits in the game currently, but they are caused by oversights on my behalf mainly as opposed to being external "hacks". It's hard to catch everything on a game with so many features/game modes/etc., but I am working on addressing things as they are discovered.


As far as "aimbotz", I don't know of any currently, but if someone manages to make one, at least it will only be very useful with the disruptor. ^_^

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Originally posted by Toshiya[RAVEN]

There are a couple of exploits in the game currently, but they are caused by oversights on my behalf mainly as opposed to being external "hacks". It's hard to catch everything on a game with so many features/game modes/etc., but I am working on addressing things as they are discovered.

heh... I have always felt that the first release of a game should be considered the "anti-expolit beta". Give a multiplayer game to the competative community for a month they will find more bugs than a year of the best QA. :p

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Haven't any of you ever played JK I before?


The cheating in some of the servers really sucked. A hacker would blast you with a million Force Destructions (??), and it'd be impossible to run away. Even worse was the Force Grip hack, where the cheater would grip you, and the grip would last throughout the game. As in, you respawn, die instantly, respawn, die, respawn, die etc.


Cheats do go beyond aimbots, you know.

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indeed they should but IMHO it wouldnt be much use. punkbuster and so many other anti-hacking programs were made but all of them were out hacked. hopefully some1 will think of something. most of the hack makers of cs were all 14 and 15. so many people have more coding abilities than them. pleeze dont let it happen to this.

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Originally posted by Joruus

Chance of JK2 becoming another CS? Zero, because the difference between Half Life (Quake 1 engine) and JK2 (Q3:TA) engine is nearly 5 years of code development.


Half life is based on a modified Quake 2 engine.

Do you really expect Half-Life's graphics to be based on Quake 1's? :D

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