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Guest Boba Rhett

I just started playing with the editor yesterday so bare with me. I'm sure someone can explain them much better than I can but here it goes....


Triggers are the, "commands" that the game uses to preform certain actions. Just as an example, say you wanted a unit to be created when a building is destroyed, that would be done using a trigger. You use them in the built in editor.


You create a new trigger, pick what it's going to do, set the conditions that must be met for it to perform it's action and then set the effects the action will have.

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Guest Boba Rhett

You make them in the built in editor. You go to the main GB screen and at the bottom right corner there is the editor button. Start it up then on the top left of the screen, it has buttons. One of the buttons says, "Triggers". Click it and start working on a trigger. :)

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