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Stealth Level


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I'm really stuck on the level where you cant let the alarms be turned on! I have got over the electric floor and around those electric cables in the room. there are then a set of double doors and there are lots of storm troopers and guards after that and one bloke in a room keeps setting of an alarm how do i get past that bit??

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Some times the best approach is to go either under or over. Let me recap in my mind about this level (thinks to him self)


After the generators there are three guys faceing the consels, use Jedi Mind trick on them and go past. you will then start hearing a storm trooper talking about a rocket launcher as the lift goes up. Throw a thermal grendade into the lift before it reaches the top and they all die then take out the officer on top and get the service key off the consel. No alarms on that point.

(thinks again)

I think the next part is where you go through a pipe room then into an open section with an electrified floor. Three storm troopers and an officer right by the alarm key. Use Jedi Mind trick on all them then use jedi speed to get to the other side of the section before it wears off. Climb up the wall and move across the top staying close to the right. Peep down and use mind trick again on the storm troopers and the officer and make your way into the next pipe room.

(thinks again)

I think the double doors are next. Don't go in through the double doors. There is a service hatch above which leads you onto a higher platform in that room. Don't forget to crouch. Turn off the lights and use Jedi mind trick on the three officers by the exit door. Jump over them and out through the door. On the other side there will be sithspit waiting for u. Forget him and kill both the officers before the alarm is raised. Then deal with the sithspit.


I hope i got it right, haven't playied it for a day now since i completed it :-P


Note that Jedi mind trick is essential in this level.


Lord Jago.

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