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The Saga begins.... as a MP game MODE!!!!


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While browsing through my assets1.pk3 file, looking for anything that might be of interest, I found something which fit the bill....



// Game type info


// description, g_gametype enum


// 0 - GT_FFA, // free for all

// 1 - GT_HOLOCRON, // ffa with holocrons

// 2 - GT_JEDIMASTER, // jedi master

// 3 - GT_TOURNAMENT, // one on one tournament

// 4 - GT_SINGLE_PLAYER, // single player ffa

// 5 - GT_TEAM, // team ffa

// 6 - GT_SAGA, // saga

// 7 - GT_CTF, // capture the flag

// 8 - GT_CTY, // capture the ysalimari



Uh.... gametype 6!!! GT_SAGA????


I tried it on my server, and it is clearly a squad based mode (join red, join blue, all that...) but what it means is beyond me...


Any ideas....?


And wtf is gametype 4?


I was under the assumption that was CTF. Somebody posted a .cfg file with a comment saying that 4 was CTF, but it's clearly not. 4 is "single player...." whatever.... I'm just dying for some more info!!!!!!!!

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a real hidden thing at last....... i hope that its something good this time. any idea what the hell somthing like a saga might be? shut down tractor beam; save prisonor(s); meet up with team members at ship? direct rip from sw ep4 btw........

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Originally posted by RedEye

Perhaps that supposed to be some sort of cooperative multiplayer mode (you know, play SP together with others) which never got finished.


Or maybe it's some code for an add-on they'll release later. ;)

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