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Is level 5 even possible on hard??


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I've beaten the game on easy, and am now trying to beat it on hard... I know where everything is, and all the puzzles, ect. However, I just can't seem to get rid of all the storm troopers and AT STs before I run out of ammo (while in the big gun turret) or the stupid prisoners commit suicide. I'm actually starting to think that's what their doing... Even after I clear off the entire rack of stormmies the mission fails saying "Too many prisoners have died"... WTF?


Anyways... if anyone has some special way they did, while keeping the prisoners from killing themselves, please tell me.


Thanks alot.


I'm begining to wish I had started on medium...

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This is probably one of the major annoyances in the single player game. A "Hard" difficulty level should increase numbers of enemies (JK2 does this), it should increase their AI (JK2 does this), it should increase damage done to you (JK2 does this), but it should NOT make those already uber annoying "protect this and this moronic guy or your mission fails" missions into sheer hair pulling frustration jobbo's.


Rest assured, mission 10 when you have to protect Lando is ludicrous as well on Hard and Jedi Master levels..


Here's how I did level 5 on Jedi Knight. I cheated. I left the first AT-ST where it was, quickly went to the roof and shot down some stormies, when the 2nd AT-ST came up I used the turret to kill it (you have to be quick, but you can just do it before the AT-ST that's below you will blow you up).

Now, the prisoners will be safe, but you are up that famous creek without a paddle, as you have 1 AT-ST beneath you, 1 more waiting for you when you reach the end of the canyon, and your turret is broken.


Also, I don't know if this was intentional or not, but those AT-ST's CANNOT be destroyed by anything other than a turret. I cheated myself a pulse weapon (#7), fired 1000 ammo on the AT-ST and it just stood there.


So I noclipped myself over to the other side of the canyon, and used one of those turrets to get through. I suppose you could try running past the AT-ST (possible), but with all those stormies up ahead, it's basically suicide..


On Jedi Master diff level, I just skipped the whole mission. It's a great mission, but whoever designed it really should have put some thought into balancing it for higher diff levels.



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Actually that level is very much passable on the hardest setting (Jedi Master), but it definately is tough. You need to do things very quickly. Get the lift down ASAP and once up there, having taken out the guy in the lift control area (although skipping him until later may also buy you a few seconds) make sure you take out the guys on the left hand side of that ledge. The ones on the right will engage you as soon as you enter the fray. That'll take some pressure off the prisoners. Also, just use your own gun. The turret can be only manned for a few seconds, since the ATST down below will attack you there, and you need to save it for the ATST that appears up top.


Originally posted by Creston

Rest assured, mission 10 when you have to protect Lando is ludicrous as well on Hard and Jedi Master levels..


I'm replaying the first time on Jedi Master and that is the one I'm currently struggling on. I try mining the big enterance beforehand to help take out the reinforcements, but if I do so they come through the back door. I have no problem surviving, but it is Lando that's the pain. It would be also be easier if thermal detonators and mines actually killed people. They seem to just damage.


Also, I don't know if this was intentional or not, but those AT-ST's CANNOT be destroyed by anything other than a turret. I cheated myself a pulse weapon (#7), fired 1000 ammo on the AT-ST and it just stood there.


Then that would be specific to that level because I've definately taken out ATSTs using the pulse weapon later on in the game.


So I noclipped myself over to the other side of the canyon, and used one of those turrets to get through. I suppose you could try running past the AT-ST (possible), but with all those stormies up ahead, it's basically suicide..


I always do the run. :) The first ATST below always seems to blow up the first turret so I end up with no choice. Just grip you teeth, and run... run like the wind using those bio health-thingies to help you along.


I'm really looking forward to my first sabre fight on the Jedi Master setting. I've just got to sort Lando out.

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