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Where to play multi? Gamespy (3d/arcade?), zone, q3offline? Other?


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I play using the ingame finder, or gamespy arcade.....I want something better for 1v1 and such, for teamwarfare ladder playing....


What do you guys use? Gamespy 3d doesnt support it yet, and wont unless you pay probably. Best gamefinder, but **** cause of cash.....



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The in-game browser is ok, but you can't see if the server requires a password or not and people are normally not to descriptive in their server names. I've been playing on The Zone alot, and you can get a real-time view of how many people are on the server, if it requires a passord, and people are generally more descriptive about what type of game they are running. But this is Internet gaming we're talking about, so you are never completely sure if a server is going to be cool or not until you get on it.

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