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a few probs i've found in the game...so far


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K first time i've posted on this forum as u can see by my post count!


i'd like make it very clear from the start that i LOVED jedi knight.....and i think that outcast is ten times the gaemt hat jedi knight was in its day!


whoever as all new games do its got some flaws.


For starters the rodians in the Nar Shaddar streets. they seem to know exactly where u are all the time. as soon as u step out of the bar ur shot! it's damn hard to snipe the little bugers over such a distance whil moving around so they can't shoot u! i've tried all sorts of things. but no matter where u stick ur head out from any place in the map they know exactly where u are and shoot u.


when u capture the head of the detention centre and take him to unlock the main door the little bastard is a pain in the ass and hardly moves! i took me nearly 5mins to get him up to the top of the stairs. u can't go more than 3 stairs away from him or he stops!


in Nar Shaddar the two Grans that come out from the building on the oppisite side of the chasim when they fall off the edge they go screaming down into the chasim (nice effect) but when u lure them over to the other side to the front of the bar and then puch them of the go screaming into the ground and remain in thier falling stance whilst on the ground..... this was not a once off event as i have made it happend many times


also at times it is very unclear as to where u are ment to be going. buttons and triggers at times are very hard to spot.


errr can't think of anything else at the moment.


i'd once again make it very clear that i am not bagging outcast i am jus voicing my opinion on what u think should be changed to make it better. it is and awsome game in a long line of great games from Raven. and i think if u don' own it u should go out and get it

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Welcome to the forums. :) Here...*hands over a chocolate Jedi Medallion* ;)


Glad you enjoyed the game. :)


I agree that sometimes the Rodians shoot you before you know what's happening...however, they wouldn't be very good snipers if they weren't constantly watching all the likely entry points for intruders. ;) I was just very careful going around corners...and kept scanning all the spots likely for snipers with the binoculars, then just nudged into view until I could see an elbow, or the top of a head...for a nice disintegration. :)


Anyway, the Feedback forum is for feedback on the site, so I'll move this over to the Valley, where you can discuss all aspects of JKII. ;)

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I wish there was a way to tone down the damage they do. I enjoy hunting them (when I get the chance) but I like to play on the hardest level, and they're the only thing keeping the battles from being totally fun and fluid. Quicksave/hunt the sniper/quickload/repeat.


Two of them on opposite sides of the map can pick you off before you know it, and even edging around corners doesn't always work because they seem to be able to pick out my feet and shoulders as well. About the only thing that really works for me against them is force speed. That and memorizing where each one of them is.


Last night while running through Bespin I noticed they can hit you while you are running, even in mid-jump or roll. And they can hit you while they're running too.


Maybe if you could block their shots, or if they just did less damage. Its a pain to fight through a big battle slicing and dicing, deflecting lasers, and generally enjoying the Jedi mojo, only to be disentgrated over and over again by enemies you can't see.

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Originally posted by Taz_E_Devil

K first time i've posted on this forum as u can see by my post count!


i'd like make it very clear from the start that i LOVED jedi knight.....and i think that outcast is ten times the gaemt hat jedi knight was in its day!


whoever as all new games do its got some flaws.


Okay. That is a given, but I think these complaints are a bit nit-picking.



For starters the rodians in the Nar Shaddar streets. they seem to know exactly where u are all the time. as soon as u step out of the bar ur shot! it's damn hard to snipe the little bugers over such a distance whil moving around so they can't shoot u! i've tried all sorts of things. but no matter where u stick ur head out from any place in the map they know exactly where u are and shoot u.


I had the same feeling when I played that level, but as I thought about it, I can to the conclusion that it was fair.


If I was playing this game as a Rodain sniper, I would do exactly the same thing that they are doing. When you are sniping, you know where the guy is going to pop his head out, and you line up the shot and wait for him to show up. To be honest, I don't think the snipers will be any different in multiplayer. I guess what I would complain about is that the NPC play too much like humans, and that the sheer numbers of them put the odds heavilly in their favor and make your chances of getting through a level on the first try slim to none. There have been very few places where I was able to make it through on my first attempt. With out knoweldge of the locations of enemeis before hand, I wouldn't be able to make it through.


when u capture the head of the detention centre and take him to unlock the main door the little bastard is a pain in the ass and hardly moves! i took me nearly 5mins to get him up to the top of the stairs. u can't go more than 3 stairs away from him or he stops!


Well, I was really just impressed that this situation occured. I have never seen this kind of thing in any game before.


It seemed to me if you hung behind him, and pointed your gun at him, he would just walk along by himself. I guess you are refeing to if you get ahead of him, I think it was a bit more than 3 stairs, but I would have to check. Anyhow, I would imagine if you got a head of your prisoner in reality, he would run away.


One thing that I do find kind of annoying is when have to keep some one alive, just so they can die in the next section.



also at times it is very unclear as to where u are ment to be going. buttons and triggers at times are very hard to spot.


I didn't really find that triggers were all that hard to spot. In general they seemed to be clearly marked.



errr can't think of anything else at the moment.


i'd once again make it very clear that i am not bagging outcast i am jus voicing my opinion on what u think should be changed to make it better. it is and awsome game in a long line of great games from Raven. and i think if u don' own it u should go out and get it


I am all for anyone's right to criticize a game or whatever, as long as you give information backing up your criticizms, which you did.


Still, I really cannot complain about Jedi Outcast. Everytime I get into a situation that I think "How the hell do they expect me to do that?" I come to realize that I have come to the wrong solution to the problem, and that the guys a Raven made a very reasonable and non frustrating solution.

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