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a Question about the game

Guest madperm

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Guest madperm

I am just wondering about a couple of things.


-what is the collection of resourses gonna be like? RA2??

-can you alters your units? (ex. add extra weapons on to an imp walker :atat: )

-will you be able to make the capital class ships like the imp-stars. :vsd: and how about the Death stars :deathstar

-is there likely to be an add on of more races you can fight as in the future

-can you build droids and have them repair your units? :r2d2:

-can you also have some conflicts where you also use political strategy.

-is the Rebel alliance campaign gonna go into the part where it becomes the New Republic???

-How many charecters from the movies can you use? :fett::c3po::ben: ????


anyways, if any one can awnser my question i would be very happy :)


peace out

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In order:


-Like AoK: Food=Food, Ilum=Gold, Ore=Stone, Carbon=Wood

-You can upgrade them, but not alter them

-Capital ships aren't likely. Death Stars: of course not


-Droids are like villagers except for the gungans an the wookiees

-There will be diplomacy, but there are only stances.

-Don't think so, but I don't know

-Lots of 'em!!! In the scenario editor mostly.


Hope it was useful :xizor:

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Guest Tie Guy

Welcome Madperm,


He's right, except for one thing:


you will be able to build medics, and they can repair your troops if not your mechs.

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Guest Master Yoda

They might have a mech repair unit as well, Naboo,Alliance,Empire,Trade Federation would have droids, Gungans and Wookies would have something else. Being able to get mech repair units and medics would make things neat...

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Guest Gen.Veers

Nova is the equal to gold in Aoe2.

Villagers probably will repair Mechs (since most of the villagers are droids anyway), like they repair Siege weapons in Aoe2.

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