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Does the AI use transports?

Guest TieSolo

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Guest TieSolo

I'm currently playing a Naboo vs. Trade Federation skirmish on Endor, medium difficulty. We are both seperated by trees, but I have not been attacked at all. It seems as thought the AI (playing the Naboo) does not want to send in any tranports of units, even though they have an extensive fleet of spacecraft.


Has anyone seen the AI use transports? If so, do they use them effectively?




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I don't have the game but i do believe that they do use transports. Oh and if you want to be attacked just walk into an open field full of AAT's.















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Guest jubjubjub

The AI is very weak if they have to transport units, like on island maps. Maybe 5% of their units will be transported. The rest will be stuck on their island wandering around with nothing to do.


I have never seen them use air transports, just sea transports. You can see this if you use the Forced Deployment map, which has a large island in the center surrounded by small starting islands. With 7 computers, maybe one will establish a base on the center island. The rest will stay on their little islands, even on hardest difficulty.

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