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A Newbies Review

Guest Anime Tactical

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Guest Anime Tactical

Ok first I would like to say hi to everyone on the borads because I am new here and hi to toothless from the Conquest borads I have seen him around these borads some time. Now that I have dispenced with the plesentrys let us begin.


I have never played Age of Empires or the demo so I am totally new at this game. First off I like the game, give me a few stormtroopers and some AT-AT's :atat: and I will be happy. The resoursing is a bit complacated for my taste but I think I will get used to it. The feel of the game is great going into battle with The Imperial March in the background is second to none when it comes to putting you into the game. Get any closer and I would be flying a x-wing into battle:biggs: . I wish there was an icon to cycle through all the upgrades, because there are a lot of them. But i can manage without them. The graphics need an overhaul tho. It looks like its 2 years behind or something just look at any of the wookies pictures and you will see what I mean. Looks like they did it in Bryce 4 or something.


Ok on to the good part Multiplayer. I dont like the zone to much but for only one game i can deal. My first game was great. Tacticly my worse game of all time in any RTS but stratigicly (sp?) my finest hour.


Ok it was ffa me and the Royal Naboo and my enemys where the empire in gray and the trade federation in green. At start I was keeping up with both of them then the trade feds got to tech 3 10 mins before i did. I thought nothing of it but little did I know that tech 3's fighters would be on the way with me no defence. I made it to tech 3, in the middle of building a fortress and then a wave of fighters come in and knock out my works with ease before they made it to sheleter. I built up some anti air and took out the fighters but not till after most of my workers and some of my troopers were six feet deep. After that the trade feddys left me alone and the imperials didnt even know where i was.(didnt know that till later) so the game went on. They were both at tech 4 dukeing it out with each other with me only there to take my shots when i could when after takeing out 40 of the feds workers he says something to the effect of "do you think i care about loseing 40 workers you are a no factor and i am trying to defend my self aganist gray here" at that point he broke the first rule of war: Never underestimate the enemy. I had been scouting him but he had not scouted me he was going off the score on the screen. I was only at tech 3 still trying to rebuild so my score was really low. I could not win though air or by land so I went to the sea. Water went by the edge of the map and was splitting all of the bases from each other. So i got to tech 4 (40 mins late by the way) built up 3 shipyards and started pumping out crusiers like made. Neither one of them had any ships or and nova to build any so i was by my self on the water. I made sure to keep my score really low to keep from giveing away my plan (the empire still had not found me) by blowing up some of my ground forces and slowing my resoursing down a bit.I had 10 crusers and let the empires building have it. Wasted them with only a few vollys not all but a lot of them. Then it was revenge time all of the feds building were on the shore and i made sure they werent there for long. Took out 7 fortress both of his command centers and numbourus other buildings. But alas it was 3 am and time to call it quits we all left and i was the only one with troops. It was great i love this game and will be playing for a long time.

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