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I can't wait for the new players to leave Multiplayer...


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Originally posted by Davhowell

now now werent we all n00bs at once :mob: me red you all blue OK MAYBE NOT! :sweat:



Newbies to me are people who don't read the manual!!! They ask stupid questions repeatedly in a game when they could have looked up the answer either in the readme.txt or in the manual.


Please figure out your binds/forces/controls BEFORE you enter in a multiplayer game.

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i had this kickass FFA in Bespin streets where we played a duel on the platform where the winner stayed and the other waited and watched.


I've heard this so many times now...


My god man, do you even know what FFA stands for? I'll give you a hint... it's not "Duels On The Platform." If you want to duel, there are servers for that. If you want to free-for-all, there are servers for that. Choose the right server, or you'll just annoy people who HAVE chosen the right server.

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I think the whole argument over the meaning of "n00b" or "newbie" is kinda pointless. The point is that people are implying that players are stupid, ignorant or purposely spiteful in striking down players who use the "ethical and honorable" way to engage in duels. My thoughts on this matter are:


1. Raven made a dueling system, that does not use crouching or unlit sabers as initiators, just one key. Learn to use it. Personally I like to duel when I don't care about winning, but I have died numerous times trying to find the person who wanted to duel me in the middle of a crowd or with other people around by some guy who didn't know I was about to duel. I don't hold it over their heads. Don't hold it over mine if I strike you down because you ask to duel me when I can't tell who is asking. To summarize: Be smart about using the duel button around others, and do use it, not some crouching signal when it is uneccessary. A player who wants to duel will learn how or already know how to duel using the key.


2. Don't expect people to abide by your rules on a server that does not implicitely spell them out, either by the rules of the game(ie gametype and available options like force powers or weapons) or by a message displayed at the beginning of the round, or when a person joins a server.


3. Calling people names never makes them change, it rarely does anything except enourage them to be even more spiteful. If you have a problem with a person please do explain why without being harsh. Not one person has ever told me why I was lame online but they sure called me plenty of names. And they never responded when I asked why I was being kick voted or why I was lame. People can be considerate if you give them the opportunity to be considerate. At the same time calling people names for using what is fair game and made to be in the game is the equivalent to being a sore loser. If you want to win and find yourself losing to a gun "whore" and have the nerve to curse him out for using what is in the game and ruining your lightsaber victory then you need to reevaluate the game you are playing, why you are playing, and what rules you want to play under, there are enough options available in the server configs that you can find a server playing the game you want to play.


The people I find complaining the most are people who don't want to wait in line in a duel server and think FFA should copitulate to the way they want to play. This is the only gripe anyone has a right to voice. I think Raven needs to make a game type that basically allows people to run around like FFA and duel as they want, perhaps even without the possibility of being hurt until they accept a duel. Then people don't have to wait in lines nearly as much and people don't have to use gestures to declare their intentions. Until that happens though these people have no right to expect FFA gun server players to change the game they play because they think it doesn't adhere to the theme in Star Wars. There are far more blasters and explosions than lightsaber clashes in the Star Wars universe. I enjoy playing with both saber and guns, and think it is really silly in the light of force powers to expect a person to throw down their guns and play as mere jedi. If I get force drained and don't think my skill with a saber is gonna cut it(hehe) I pull out the blaster that silences the Force Drain and forces saber defense, which give me enough time to escape or charge my lightning or force push or whatever Counter attack I decide is appropriate. I am not gonna let someone drain my force power and then expect me to try and slash them while they grip me or or lightning or whatever.


So thats my take for the moment


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That was pain relief for me just to get to the end of your post ! JOKE!

Nah but seriously that was well thought out but the ffa saber only servers are the ones that i would think everyone would be happy ..... no weapons and duelling without a q!

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I turn off my lightsaber solely as a taunt...it basicaly says you can't even hurt me unarmed. you might think I'm joking, but thats why I seriously do it.


a challenge to duel is incorporated into the game (press the default K key while your crosshairs are on someone-only one duel per server though) and can be perform with the saber activated as well as with it deactivated.


another issue is the people that stand around watching a duel going on and expect to not get killed. they don't call it FFA for nothing. I think that Raven limited the duels to one per server because they didn't want people on a FFA server fighting 1 on 1 duels while others joining had nobody to fight. duel servers aren't boring if you really like to watch a duel, since you get to change between player views and learn their moves.

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Originally posted by Spider AL




My god man, do you even know what FFA stands for? I'll give you a hint... it's not "Duels On The Platform." If you want to duel, there are servers for that. If you want to free-for-all, there are servers for that. Choose the right server, or you'll just annoy people who HAVE chosen the right server.



Maybe so, but that isnt the issue here, the dudes right, slashing an unarmed man is by my book not considered to be noble.. not saying that it's wrong after all it is called "free for all".


as i mentioned in another thread, duel servers are cool too, but as long as there isnt an option to turn certan force powers off, i wont be using them much.. jump and saberthrow maybe push and pull, are the only things i think fit in to a true saberfight.. dont tell me it's cool to win a duel if you keep using grip and lightning.. thats not gonna show how good you are with a saber..


anyways, the ones i call n00b's are the ones who fire a blaster in the back of your head at point blank range, when you are unarmed, sitting still.


still not saying it's wrong.. just a very cheap shot to get the frag point..


A newbee is a hole other thing, right now i think we are all newbee's to this game, some more than others, but i consider myself a newbee at the moment coz there are many things i could get better at (saber control for one thing)


Newbee's dont bother me, they are new to the game, and they will continue beeing a newbee if no one helps them.. (even though the could try reading the manual before asking on the servers;) )



off topic: why are the forums so d*** slow at the moment? thought that 'turning off avatars' thing did the trick?

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Originally posted by Painreliever

1. Raven made a dueling system, that does not use crouching or unlit sabers as initiators, just one key. Learn to use it. Personally I like to duel when I don't care about winning, but I have died numerous times trying to find the person who wanted to duel me in the middle of a crowd or with other people around by some guy who didn't know I was about to duel. I don't hold it over their heads. Don't hold it over mine if I strike you down because you ask to duel me when I can't tell who is asking. To summarize: Be smart about using the duel button around others, and do use it, not some crouching signal when it is uneccessary. A player who wants to duel will learn how or already know how to duel using the key.


Unfortunately, those who didn't read (or don't HAVE) the manual do not know about the duel key. There are many a game where I'm standing there with saber drawn pushing the K key with my crosshairs on someone, and they see the "Moleculor has challenged you" message and they charge at me, drain me, and then choke me.


Most of the newbies/warezers (note, not n00bs) don't know about the key. After getting killed by them (or occasionally killing them, when I decide I don't want to die and fight back, at which point I almost ALWAYS win, because of my experience with the JK saber).


So what do I do?


I then type: "<name>, why are you afraid to accept my challenge?" Exactly that. Nothing different seems to work (like Why are you afraid to fight me?" or "Why are you afraid to face me?".. those are too unspecific.)


The result? They start asking questions. And -that- is where I can teach them about the K key. Once they've learned that, they're all too eager to use it.


As for setting up a server, I recommend using the g_motd variable. It's a thing that displays a message to those joining. I slip in my two rules (Saber off = No fight, and Accept Duels (Use K)) into that thing when running a server.


What everyone needs to start doing is:


A) Stop thinking of the term 'Newbie' as refering to 'being new'. That's not how it's being used in this thread by anyone except me, and the anal retentive dictionary freaks. :D (I'm KIDDING... mostly)


B) Start teaching people! I can usually convert ENTIRE FFA servers (as long as they're saber only) to a BUNCH of duelers just by teaching two or three people!


C) Realize that the true n00bs are the idiots who run up and constantly force drain duelers, waiting for them to become un-invincible

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Hi all!


Perhaps the notion of unignited sabre = peace sorta came from JK where fists=peace and in JK2 this is as close as you can get.


I just wish that sabre challenges won't be in FFA only, if they could (Raven) add certain stipulations for the duel system it would be fun, imagine this.




Both guys got each other's team's flag. Both of them can duel and the winner takes home too flags (thus scoring!)


Or in team FFA in the map temple tournament, imagine 2 duels goin on simultaneously, while the others are just in team FFA mode, talk about cinematic experience ~|-


Juz my 2 cents, not sure how it will work out




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slashing an unarmed man is by my book not considered to be noble.. not saying that it's wrong after all it is called "free for all".


Free for all servers hold an attraction for me because they are places where one kills anything that isn't a wall, floor or powerup. That's their charm, that you go on there, and you don't have to worry about who you're fighting, you don't have to worry about clan vendettas, or making sure your team-mate gets the flag home. If five or six people set up a little "pillow fort" on the platform in Bespin streets and are taking it in turns to duel each other, I have no qualms about blowing them all sky-high, whether they're currently waving their sabres or not... Not because I dislike them, not because I'm dishonourable, quite the reverse... it's because that's what the FFA game is all about... clawing your way to victory over the bodies of ten-plus other Jedi who couldn't make it in time, for WHATEVER reason.


When I go onto an FFA server, I go to play a game that's TRULY free-for-all. Any weapons! Any force powers! Any tactics! It's freedom! That's the name of the game, the title of the server and the way I play it is arguably the way it was meant to be played.


I use all weapons, and I expect to be killed with all weapons. I have never whined nor complained about a single kill in JO yet, and I intend that I never will. I treat other players exactly as I want everyone else to treat me. With textual respect, with mental honour, but with unforgiving combative strategy! I believe everyone should play with the same honour. So blaeeehhhgh. :p

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yeah but still, some people are just naturally more co-ordinated than others when it comes to computer games, they just play more fps'...


find a balace people! between being a n00b and having no life



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