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Slow stance too good?


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This might just be me sucking versus all slow style users, but i feel that it might be a little to good. If you play a duel you will die in two strikes, i know he´s slow and your fast so you should be able to avoid blows but thats very hard when he is a good swordsaman aswell.


So do you guys feel that its too good aswell, or is it balanced in your opinion?

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i think most of the force, weapon, and sabre stances are way off the ballance.


i played a duel tonight and one guy used the slow stance and was ahead by at least 10 points. most of his kills were one hit kills. all you have to do is the down slash and no one can block it. it's an instant kill. rather unfair if you ask me, because no speed will change it.

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wouldnt phrase it quite that way pitbull but the heavy stance is quite counterable , i usually jump over them and deliver a torso slash to their exposed back or do an overheap flip slash (forward jump and attack while they are infront of you), leads to quick defeat of people who only use heavy

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i dont know if youve noticed, but all the stances have their so called "one hit kill move" its just alot easier with heavy.


medium stance have their matrix flip move, and light stance has their sneak attack move(not so powerfull, but takes alot of points)



And besides, heavy stance is easy to deal with when you know how.


When they come to close, you can run against them and kick them, or you can wait and use pull just when they started the attack (you can use push, but normally you wouldent get the time to hit them before they got up again).


Or you could just dodge the attack, it coming at 0.005 mph cant be to difficult.


Or you could be original and block it.


Anyway, when you got them on the ground their done for.

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Still, altough I just have the game since yesterday (Huzzah), I already got a better idea of the game dynamics now,so I think they're right, a good Force push should safe your life, and otherwise, shees, don't panic and freeze on the spot, if you know you can't block it, dive out of the way, Force jump into the air, dodge around to his side and show him what happens if they plan on killing you with such a technique ,Force speed out of harms way, grip him before he can reach you(if you use dark side powers that is) , see, as long as you can think on your feet you should be able to avoid death from the very powerful aerial overhead strike.(I think that's the thing, they use that technique to impress, surprise and frighten you, you think "oh no, it's that overly powerful technique, I'm doomed!" ^.^ and there you are, you're panicked and don't know what to do and you end up getting sliced in half)

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Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt

I think that's the thing, they use that technique to impress, surprise and frighten you, you think "oh no, it's that overly powerful technique, I'm doomed!" ^.^ and there you are, you're panicked and don't know what to do and you end up getting sliced in half)



No, they use that technique cause you should be impressed, suprised, and frightended and you should think "oh no, im doomed".



Its not like they will be like this "Hah, give it your best shot*Swiiish!*" Then youd look pretty stupid.

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heh, still, I'm not the type of baka that would let myself get killed by such a trick, Force speed backwards and make a backflip for safety's sake is probably one good way of avoiding that overhead nonesense. (besides, if Rurouni Kenshin tought me one thing, a 100% effective always hitting attack that kills you in one go doesn't exist )

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I encountered a few "Padawan" players in a saber-only server last night who constantly used the strong swing over and over and over again.


Not sure if it was lag or what, but if I was anywhere close to them I'd get hit, every time.


Thus, I found a nice tactic was to just keep my distance, and when they start swinging, I just toss my saber at their feet. Tag 'em like that a few times, then use the medium-stance overhead flip-strike to finish. Worked out pretty well for me.


It's a very strong attack, but again...for every tactic, there is a counter. You just have to find one that works for you.

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Where was the ealier post describing the stances. Most commonly yellow was for groups, med one or two, and heavy for one on one. It takes a fair degree of skill to use heavy stance without leaving yourself wide open for retaliation.


Heavy stance is about ponderous damaging strikes and imho it is just that now.

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They are unbalanced and its obvious. Heavy stance is to medium as medium is to light stance. A joke.


Heavy whores think they are skilled but as soon as they run up against another heavy whore, they can't handle it.


For all you people saying use force, what about the no force duels?


Heavy whores are very unskilled, it has 2 moves. Most of them just swing randomly, hoping you get close enough, since you have no chance of blocking it.


You want to beat a Heavy Whore? Best way is to go heavy back at them. But I refuse, its cheap.

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Usually in competitive duels force is disabled. That throws out force push and saber throw as counters as far as that goes.


I just found out about the move 2 days ago. Ever since, I've noticed people that I've dueled that use ONLY that move. Very lame, but I still beat them.


I catch them on the landing with medium stance. It's an obvious move to see coming. When they land they are stuck for about .5 of a second. I can run up and hit them once or twice with medium before they recover.


After that, it takes me 1 strong stance swing to finish them off. Not too overpowering if you ask me.


Anyway, what was that about a medium matrix style hit? It's not 1-hit kill or anything is it?

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Ahhh.. that was one major thing that bugged me about JK, all those "no Force, saber" games, it just isn't right in my opinion, having a lightsaber but no Force powers, it's like having a great PC but no mouse(and half a keyboard) , it just doesn't feel complete. (besides, come on, being a Jedi with a lightsaber is 10 times better than being a regular human that has a lightsaber ^_~ )

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strong stance all the way. one strong stance hit, then go fast or medium to finish it. or do that one hit kill. (u dont even have to make a huge leap to do the one hit kill-swing!!!!). and im talking about no force here. force=drain drain drain lightning dead, or absorb run away hide. ;)

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Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt

Ahhh.. that was one major thing that bugged me about JK, all those "no Force, saber" games, it just isn't right in my opinion, having a lightsaber but no Force powers, it's like having a great PC but no mouse(and half a keyboard) , it just doesn't feel complete. (besides, come on, being a Jedi with a lightsaber is 10 times better than being a regular human that has a lightsaber ^_~ )


I started off playing force duels. People just heal each other all day.


*Twirls finger in the air*


Whooopppeeee :/

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It's not unlike fighting Admiral Fyyral (Can't remember if that's spelled right) after you drop his shields. That arm move of his is devestating more in that it eats time then it does in power but it's a slow, strong attack that you can see comming a mile away. JK also had a killer move. My brother kills me all the time with one and two hit kills when we play MP on JK. Deal with it. You just have to get in quickly, (I'm a fast style person), and get out just as fast. It's a battle of lasting. You have to out dodge him and make sure that you hit him enough times. Run up to him, slice him, run past. Repeat untill dead. It takes some time and you have to use to it, but it can be done. Strong is just like the others, balanced. Speed = Damage. If you can hit him and he can't hit you, you're fine. JUST STAY OUT OF THE WAY OF THAT SABRE! Bob and weave man. Bob and weave.

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spoiler below for the newbz





admiral fyaar is incredibly easy to beat. run up to him w/ your saber out, let him pound you w/ repeater fire...blast his sheilds down with your saber (fast style is better in this sense) and then speed around back and kill the shield....then just hack at him with fast style and if you get hurt just run to the opposite side of the pillars and heal (stay on the opposite side of the pillar...






end spoiler


ok but on the strong style i think that it is not that great personally in terms of being an uber style...


it leaves you very very open to attack...im sorry, but if it leaves that big of an opening in which you can kill them with, stop whining about dying in 2 hits...kill them newb..

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You are obviously an envious newbie. It takes timing and you leave yourself open with one hit with heavy. Your probably just using blue swinging randomly with no coordination what-so-ever and when someone uses a timed strike to kill your newbie carcass you whine. I see your type all the type in this game. Hopefully most of the whiners will go away in time from this great game.


Oh, and one more point Tree. Your language degrades your post and gives decent people an idea of what intelligence you have. Your either a low-life on welfare or a ten year old.

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This is one of THE most balanced games I have ever played. For every action there is an equal and oposite reaction. You obvioulsy are not exploring your options.


How about whacking on force speed and jumping out of the way?


How about force pushing them?


Force choke?


Throw your saber at them?


Flip over then?


Roll out of the way?


There are so many options to chose from because strong style is frankly TOO slow.

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