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*spoilers* Least favorite thing about Jedi Outcast


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I wish it had Aureal 3d sound or even direct x 3d sound.

The quake engine used to support Aureal 3d sound 3.0.

What happened to that.

Other than that the game is excellent.

I'd also like to be able to lean around corners like in rouge spear.

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reborns r in mp. i've seen them. look on the forum and u will find something about how to access them using the console.


my least favorite thing is the slow speed of fire from most guns. also some of the level design in sp but hey thats made like that for a *cough* challenge.

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Things I hated about Jedi Knight II: Outcast


1. Non-logic based puzzles. Whoever thought them up should be beaten, repeatedly, with a wiffle bat and then forced to sit in the corner with a dunce cap on. Whoever play tested this should have pointed out how stupid some of the puzzles were.


2. More plot, more plot, more plot. It needed more plot! I would have liked to have been able to listen in on more "important" conversations than the usual shpiel between stormtroopers.


3. Not long enough in my opinion...I am going to start playing through on hardest tonight but don't think it is going to "sate" my needs (oh well there is always Morrowind).


4. More incentive to actually use the weapons besides the Lightsaber (once you get it). I only used the disruptor beam when I had to do some sniping, and EMP type gun for turrets.



I am praying that a vast multitude of mods are developed (like they did for Half Life) to continue the fun. Right now I am sort of disenchanted with the multiplayer as it is a bit too chaotic for me.


I won't deny the fact that I absolutely enjoyed the game, perhaps more so than Deus Ex (my favorite game). The graphics were top-notch, the character controls were flawless, and the gameplay was very enjoyable.

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1. Too short - Yes I know, SP is short nowadays blah blah blah...still doesn't make it a GOOD thing.


2. Anticlimactic Ending - Just me, or was the ending a real letdown?


3. No civilians - This really helped make the environments of JK believable. With levels on NS and CC, there should have at least been a few non-combat NPCs.


4. Hope you like jumping puzzles! Actually, this seemed to be the only kind of puzzle the game featured at all, besides the brain-dead code thing in the first level. Remember in DF, having to manipulate big chunks of architecture in order to get where you needed to go?


5. Didn't come BUNDLED with the dev tools and SDK :)


6. No expansion pack....yet :)

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i absolutely agree with mememememe on the slow rate of fire from most guns. at least in the beginning, who'd think beams of energy would travel slower than bullets (as in, medal of honor and rtc wolfenstein)? it was really tricky to time the shots with running stormtroopers.


i also kinda disliked the lightsaber feature that makes kyle 'slip' by the enemy when running into them head on and attacking. try it, run into a stormtrooper and press the attack button. instead of some close up stabbing or slicing, kyle kinda evades the whole confrontation and keeps running, leaving the stormtrooper undamaged.

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ya know.. and i thaught that was me missing them!!!


personaly i just hate puzzles :p mostly jumping ones, but total without cheats i had the game done in less than 3 days (about 10 hours of play total between them since i had school)

the plot was very well done, and had the starwars feel, but as with starwars it kinda wore thin after the first few bits, and didn't have any kewl additions like side missions that you could choose to do or not to do as i heard JK2 was supposed to have.

i still stand by my thaughts beleiveing maps were well done, keys and weapons were in easy reach always, switches were a pain to get to, but face it, thats a starwars thing, or am i the only one who recalls DF1 and running around trying to locate where the explosives go?

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DF1, wow. Did anyone else think the first level in JKO felt like the first level in DF1 or was it just me?


For their design, I thought the levels felt like Star Wars. I could have done without some of the jumping, but you have to have bottomless pits in anything Star Wars, and I guess that requires jumping. Unless you mean those mindless block puzzles. Could have done without those.


And the snipers. Sometimes they were fun to hunt but mostly they were a real pain.


Would have liked more enemies, or more large groups of enemies, but I'm not done with the game yet so I might get my wish. Less button hunting and more saber fights works for me.

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I'm not finished the SP game yet and nor am I a vet of MP but it's a two-horse race...


[*]The snipers are deadly. Greedo must've been a poor excuse for a Rodian to lose the draw to Han in the Cantina :D

[*]The god-awful spam-cannon (alt-fire repeater rifle :ion: ) in MP.


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Yeah the ending is a little weak. The music has to match that of the credit starting music. I mean you notice how well the celebration music in the movies fits well with it. Of course I dont like that it ended at all. (thank God when user-made levels come out).


Of course what really makes me mad has to do with the first Dark Jedi you face. I'll let those of you who've played it figure that one out.

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Biggest let down: Guns in multiplayer being completely superior to the light saber in everyway. Especially the alt fire reapeater.


This could be easily fixed by making force pull work better (more like it did in jedi knight).


Oh well, I have fun playing without guns with my friends.

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Originally posted by manickat

DF1, wow. Did anyone else think the first level in JKO felt like the first level in DF1 or was it just me?


And the snipers. Sometimes they were fun to hunt but mostly they were a real pain. [End Quote]


I agree the first level was great, and much like Dark Forces, clearly one of my all time favorite games.


Snipers are a little too good, in that they never get lazy. I haven't found that the snipers were capable of doing anything that humans couldn't, but they always seem to get you on that first shot, when you just jump out from behind your cover.


The only thing that I would like to see in the game that wasn't included is civilians, as someone else had mentioned.


I really loved the first level of Mysteries of the Sith, where you fought along side your rebel buddies taking on stormtroopers.


I'm a little sick of NPCs whose only purpose seems to be to die, and die by far to quickly.

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I'm still going through the SP so that's what I'll talk about.


The thing that bugs me the most is this: when in a hallway, you come to a door, but not even close enough to open it, and the guards on the otherside of the door "sense" you and say "let me see your ID" or some other thing. This just bugs me. And then when you get through the door, they aren't even waiting for you even though they sensed you.



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I don't know why people hate the puzzles. Good puzzles are what is in JK2, not stupid ones like JK where you have to find a key to open the door or slash three wires to down a force field. I loved the force puzzles on Yavin, the push one took me like an hour but that was because I was being a dumbass and not using push on the wall panels...

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picking up force powers on yavin like items sucked


they should've had the jeditrainer at the beggining of each puzzle explain the force power and give a demonstration (tiny cutscene)

then kyle should have been able to do it


keeping darkside powers even after kyle was supposed to have let go of his anger was a mistake too, i think



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The snipers were WAY too good. It bothered me that a guy fro mso far across the screen that hed almost faded into black could see me as soon as I walked around a corner and start firing. It als obothered me that htey ALWAYS knew where you were going to come out. The idea is thaat you FLANK snipers, not out sniper them.


As for other things.. I think that the fast stance is too slow (though the alternate stance, when you set it to 5, is perfect). There could be fewer spinning moves... you DO NOT SPIN WITH A SWORD! Ya, just turn your back to the guy and... ZAP.

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1. The snipers weren't that good, besides it's supposed to be a CHALLENGE.


2. Picking up the force powers on Yavin was good, I mean there's not much other way...


3. The darkside powers thing was okay, but if there was a path split, you know kyle would fly right to the Valley of the Jedi, absorb the power and distroy Desann by thinking it. Would kind of be cheesy.


4. I have to say the worst thing about the game is the slowed saber combat in MP, it was WAY better in SP. If Raven does the following, the game will be pefect:


Fix all SP scripting bugs, add thermal anim, make MP sabers like SP, add proper collisions to MP for the saber, and add full dismemberment (or partial, like just the arms) to MP, and the game would rock..

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I fear that SP sabre physics are different to MP for obvious reasons.


The lag factor would make SP dueling either unworkable or even less predictable than MP is now. I agree it needs correcting but I don't think it's so simple as copying code across...

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