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*spoilers* Least favorite thing about Jedi Outcast


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Obviously if u beat the game in a day, you have no life.


And no, the was not too short. It was longer then most fps out there.


I have maybe time to play a max of 1-2 hours day and thats pushing it. So you musta played at LEAST 10 hours in ONE session? What fun is that?

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And for the topic:


I think the main thing i didnt like is *some* of the level design. Nar shaddar was pretty blocky and lifeless. Like some folks here were saying, some NPcs wouldve been nice. Some more raffic then that one speeder flying every 30 secs. Bespin couldve used some NPCs as well.


But Raven did produce the game in less then 13 months. So we cant have it all. Maybe Raven listen and IF they do a Outcast sequel they will


a) take their sweet time with the development.

b) use the new doom engine

c) focus on better level design

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some of the stupid puzzles .........


i'm sure 95% is my stupidity, but getting stuck somewhere for days gets annoying when the games isn't exactly clear on what you have to do ....... argh thats why I love these forums :D


I'm nearly completed so will have to wait for the final cutscene to decide .....


i dont have any other main gripes, this game rocks

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Aside from the load times, I'd like to see a better MP surfer in an add-on/patch. The gamestate variables are kinda confusing to the Q3 uninitiated, such as myself.


As for the actual game, so far no complaints (I'm in Nar Shaada). One of the few games I've bought recently where I can't wait to get home from work to play it!

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I'm a little confused here. I'm just now getting into the Bespin level (I know I'm way behind, I just don't get that much time to play), and so far I haven't noticed an excessive amount of jumping puzzles. The only lame puzzle was the changing blocks in that training room, which wasn't even necessary. Everything else has been jumping to get to a certain area.


Why is this a problem? I'm a jedi with special jumping ability. Personally, I like using that power to reach certain areas. Maybe I'm just not far enough into the game, but so far I don't see anything to complain about.


What I consider a jumping puzzle is something like a lame adventure game like Rayman, where all you do is string together endless difficult jumps to tiny little platforms and you make one tiny mistake and have to do it all over again. I hate that. JK2 is not like that so far.

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The SP guns! There just is something wrong with them...


I've complained elsewhere about the accuracy of the guns, but I think I should add something.. I don't know if this is just the difficulty level I'm playing at (Jedi Knight) but a stormtrooper takes over 6 shots to kill! (in JK they took three, in the movies: 1). The sad thing is that 9 times out of 10 they Don't even react when shot (no flinching, no falling over, retreating, etc). Either stormtrooper armor has really improved, or Kyle turned his blaster setting to "tickle" just for laughs.


The officers also take an incredible amount of shots to kill and they too barely acknowledge the fact that you just shot them in the chest nearly point blank. Are those polyester uniforms they wear that blaster resistent??


How much health do these guys have? I swear it is easier to kill people in MP than it is these guys, and at least in MP the people run around and try to make it interesting!


So most battles end up either pumping entire clips in the general direction of the enemy, or sniping headshots from afar (kind of hard to do when you get ambushed by four troopers in a tight space. In any case, I'm longing for the lightsaber...


I'm sure the aim was difficulty and maybe more numerous enemies isn't the answer, but I'd rather face more and smarter enemies than just a few lunkheads with kegs of health.


If I had one thing to wish for in the expansion, it would be some kind of objective based teamgame, like UT's assault or "true coop play" (like in Serious Sam or other FPS games). That and more movie-based and EU Star Wars skins/models. ; )

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Spiff, I agree, the jumping in Bespin made sense to me, and I didn't mind it. There are some puzzles later on though that involve jumping, but they don't make sense (i.e. a series of rooms in the middle of nowhere with no walkways that have single switches and enemies in them). They end up feeling more like busywork and temporarily ruin "Star Wars" feel I get from the good levels. You'll know it when you get to it ... though it's not overly long or difficult, it seems silly and out of place.


About the guns ... sometimes I had to laugh at how long it took to kill the troopers with some of the guns, but I did enjoy trading shots using the blaster rifle with them across some of the larger rooms. Kinda reminded me of the movies.

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Originally posted by Mikaserla

I wish it had Aureal 3d sound or even direct x 3d sound.

The quake engine used to support Aureal 3d sound 3.0.

What happened to that.

Other than that the game is excellent.

I'd also like to be able to lean around corners like in rouge spear.


Sorry if anyones answered this already...

Hey Mikaserla, good news you can peek around corners. by default its CTRL + A or D (strafe right or left)



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