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SP-duelling in MP!!(Wishful thinking?)


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I guess you all have seen the difference in sabreduelling in SP compared to MP (that is less blocking and more hack'n'slash in MP). I just wondered if there might be some way to use the realistic gameplay from SP in MP.... Maybe some console command. I think its really sad that the bots in MP runs around like winged chickens instead of circling and dodging... Of course the duels would probably last a little bit longer since it would be harder to hit but hey, as long as it is good fun (it gets a little bit more tactical too).


Well what do you say Raven, is there a way??

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I like them how they are, if sabers were like SP then capture the flag would be too easy. How they are gives people using guns a fighting chance against people with sabers. If they were like SP then you would just have to run and pick up the flag because your saber would do all of the blocking for you, and that isn't fair gameplay.

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Originally posted by igor

I like them how they are, if sabers were like SP then capture the flag would be too easy.


Yeah.. But I only meant Saber Duels. :)


( and maybe the duels in FFA too ..it would be great. )

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Originally posted by rut-wa jodar

Has nobody told you about the npc spawn command in SP game that lets you create your own saber battles ?


They have and I like it alot, but still I'd like to frag my friends like that too. ;)

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I agree.


Sp duels are amazing and VERY movie like.


I havent played any MP sinc 2 days cause its just aint the same. I rather spawn a NPC in the single player and have a cool sabermatch with some new EP2 music in the Bg. ;)


Raven posted somewhere the reason for this is that the Network traffic wouldnt be able to handle all the code. I mean im sure they wouldve left it like it is in the SP otherwise.


I really wish the saber combat would be better.


The SP is not H&S but in MP it is.

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