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I think we have a wrong misinterpretation about "yes" and "no" votes

Guest Lord Tirion

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Guest Lord Tirion

I read over a few posts regarding the yes and no votes below and I cant believe I have missed the obvious:


People are under the misinterpretation that by voting yes for a guy means that he is popular and well liked by the forum where as voting no means he is hated or disliked by the community. That is so wrong. That is not what voting is about.


You ask what should it mean? Isn't it obvious? I think it is soooo obvious that most of us missed it. What we should be voting for is not whether we like the guy or hate him, it should be for if we think he CAN DO THE JOB OR NOT.


I might like such and such as a good buddy, but that doesnt mean he would be the ideal person for a Senator position. I might dislike such and such, but that doesn not mean he would be a bad Senator.


Just wanted to get this off my chest because I feel that the reasoning behind the votes are for the wrong reasons.

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Guest Lord Tirion

You would be surprised on how people were voting. They failed to realize that they might be putting people in the Senate that probably have no interest in running a community oriented system to help ensure fun and promote activities to bring us closer together. Some were treating it as a popularity contest.

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Guest Tie Guy

Yeah, i know that i, at least, voted only for people that i thought should be in the senate, not for the people i simply liked. That is the way i think it should be done, and was meant to be done. That is why, if someone gets alot of "no" votes, that means that people don't think they are qualified, and that is why they need to be "reviewed" before they are accepted, not because they are unpopular. Of course, i don't think we are gonna have a problem this time around.

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