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An Unkillable Enemy? *hope*

Darth Sane

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One of my favorite things to do is get into a very wide open stage (while playing single player) and spawn a "few" reborn bosses... it's fun, yeah, but it gets too easy to kill them. (well, that's probably because I use Maximum Orbit on them at the start, but that's besides the point)


Is it possible to make an NPC unkillable? like the ones in the jedi academy "Let the force FLOW through you" those guys...


PS: Maximum orbit

Requires L3 Choke L3 Push

(Must be done fast, or they will push you) Grab them with the choke, and fling them upwards, the SECOND you let go of your force button, hit them with a hotkey'd force push! and listen to them scream like a girl on the way down to their death. That move can kill Dasann in the blink of an eye *evil grin*

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And my addition...


Jump over a group of bad guys and use Force Pull Lvl 3. Listen for screams and watch all the bodies rain down.


If you use the npc spawn command you can get an entire room of stormtroopers to fly up into the sky. Fun fun.

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Hahah I like the force pull one, that's pretty sadistic - like a giant force rubberband Muahahah!


Force grab is so easy to kill people with - (in sp) just slam their head into the ground - and presto - dead. but there's no fun in that heh heh heh

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Guest Forceflow

I actually love gripping stormiers and then throwing my saber at them.

Yes of course I don't need to grip them for that, but it makes it LOOK a lot better! (Plus you see all those little parts of them flying everywhere!)

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hmm Pak editing.. maybe I can get Desann to actually FIGHT me instead of shocking the bejeezus out of me and holding me in a grip that takes 5 force pushes to get out of!!


Desann: "You dare to push me?"

Sane: *opens up the config file for Desann*

Desann: "what a pathetic ruse.. do you seriously think that doing that will make me fight fair?"

Sane: *click*

(desann's lightsaber turns pink)

Desann: "Okay... that's it... you die."

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Hehe... I like the "Jump over enemys and use force pull". You can really throw them up high.


My favorite moment had to have been when I went back through the game with "setforceall 3" and it was the level right after the jedi academy... looking for reloo. Anyhow, as I jumped down through a window I used force pull and threw this guy straight up and about 3 seconds later I heard him scream and crash in through a different window right next to me.

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