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Imperial Conversations! *SPOILERS*


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I don't own the game YET but I'm really excited. One thing I want to hear is about all the things stormtroopers say. If you happen to overhear their conversations reply and tell if they said anything good! I wonder if they make jokes :p

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I don't know it exactly but I remember a snippet of one that I thought was funny going something like this:


StormtrooperA: "Hey. Did you here that the new shipment of rifles just came in?"


StormtrooperB: "No, but that's good. THIS thing hasn't been too accurate lately."




I don't know why, but that cracked me up.

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right before i entered and butchered them i heard a conversation through a door about the post on kejim being destroyed and a jedi suspected which ended with


"Great, the last thing i feel like dealing with today is a jedi"



then i proceeded to send limbs flying

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Ya notice how every time a stormtrooper starts talking about his bright future (I'm going to get premoted, I'm moving to an easier camp, I'm gonna be a TIE fighter pilot, I'm going to toshi station to pick up some power converterrrrs! *whine*) they're about to die?


Hint to Stormtroopers - stay morbid, you'll live longer!

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Those are hilarious, I loved listening to the guy in Max Payne cry as he watched the Opera on the couch but this sounds much funner :D.


Of topic: Can you really send limbs flying? I don't know if when I get the games if I'll get one of those mods. I want to play my game and have a nearly 50 50 chance of limbs going flying maybe less. Anyone have any experience with these mods wanna comment too?


Thanks for being so nice everyone, this game will be the best one I"ll own!

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here's one-


Storm Trooper 1: ".....and I got behind the other one and got him too."


Storm Trooper 2: "You took on 2 Jedis? I don't belive it."


Storm Trooper 1: "Well, you should have been there, it was great."


Something along the lines of that.

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I heard this interesting little exchange earlier today:



So have you ever fired that thing at a living being before?


Sure (and I think he listed a couple of animals)


No, I mean a sentient being, that can shoot back.


Uh, no.


How long have you been out of the academy?


About a year. But I haven't been to the front lines yet.


Everywhere in the galaxy is a front line...





Something like that. Little things like that (the conversations) add so much to a game. I love it. GJ Raven.





EDIT: I forget the name of the map where this took place, but it was during the search for the Doomgiver.

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Of topic: Can you really send limbs flying? I don't know if when I get the games if I'll get one of those mods. I want to play my game and have a nearly 50 50 chance of limbs going flying maybe less. Anyone have any experience with these mods wanna comment too?


I think I know what you're saying, but if not oh well...


Anyway, there is an option where you can turn dismemberment on Never, Sometimes, Normal, Frequently, and all the time. There are a couple more in between there.

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I remember during the sneaking missions (behind one of those HUGE metal plates) you hear two troopers talking about a Sith Weapon that is "a spear on both ends with a long axe on the tip"

"where did you see that at" blah blah he said he saw a demo of it somewhere with a bunkmate... they used it on some animal, he asked him wasn't that dangerous, the other scoffed that it wasn't dangerous when he was through with it... the other trooper reminds him that he needs psychoatric help.


Too bad THAT thing isn't in the game Hooo!

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Here's a couple... I don't remember the exact words though:


Stormy 1: I told you we never should've been working with Reelo. He was too much of a risk.


Stormy 2. Relax, the Empire has always worked with mercanaries when neccisary.


Stormy 1. Well... I still say it was a risk.



Stormy 1: I hear you plan on becoming a Tie fighter?


Stormy 2: Yeah, this is just a stepping stone on the way there (or soemthing like that).


Stormy 1: Yeah? What do you know about flying Ties? How much weight can a Tie fighter carry?


Stormy 2: Uhh... 60 (I forgot what measurements they used)?


Stormy 1: Try 75...


Stormy 2: Have YOU ever flowen a Tie before?


Stormy 1: No...


Stormy 2: Then what the sithspit are you talking about?


Stormy 1: I remember everrrry thing...


Stormy 2: Yeah, suuuure you do hotshot. What's my call number?



Stormy 1 (talking to an officer with his comlink): Ah, yes sir... No sir.. Sorry sir.... I'll get to it right away sir.


Stormy 1 (talking to himself): *grumbles to himself* stupid officers... why don't you come down here and try to see out of this damn helmet, while I sit up there in my comfy office and tell you how incopetent and stupid you are.



Stormy 1: I'm shipping off to (names some location) tomorrow...


Stormy 2: That doesn't exactly sound like a promotion... But it should be interesting.



I'll post some more if I remember them...

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Guest T16skyhopp

id like to hear this one... :)


"so when are you retiring?"


"tommorrow, ive put in my time. now i can jsut take it easy for the rest of my life..."


"sounds good..."



then id jump in and slice his head off... hehehe

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I'll list all of the conversations as I have time. I'll just keep editing this post. Here's the first batch:


1: You ever see a Massassi Lanvarok?

2: No, what the stang is that?

1: It's an ancient Sith weapon. It's sort of a long axe with points on either end. It's very nasty in the right person's hands.

2: Where did you see that?

1: Certain officers have quite large antique collections. I saw a demonstration once.

2: On what?

1: They used a Thernbee they'd taken from the Almanian wilds.

2: Sounds dangerous.

1: It wasn't once they got done chopping it to pieces.

2: *sigh* You hang out with the wrong crowd.

1: That's the last time I spent my off-duty time with those guys.


1: ...then I blasted the second one from behind.

2: You fought two Jedi at once? I don't believe that!

1: It happened. You should've been there, they're not so tough...


1: So, you want to become a TIE Fighter pilot?

2: Yeah, this is just a pit stop on the way.

1: Well, then you'd better know your stuff. Who designs and builds them?

2: Sienar Fleet Systems, that's easy.

1: How much cargo can they carry?

2: Not much.

1: Well, give me a number!

2: I don't know.

1: You'd better. You put in your full attack gear, you're getting shot down.

2: That pack can't weigh more than a hundred kilograms.

1: Try seventy. You don't want to put more than sixty-five in your TIE.

2: Really?

1: Yeah, hotshot.

2: You ever fire those dual fire-linked laser cannons?

1: I've never flown one.

2: Then what the Sithspit are you talking about?

1: You gotta know these things if you're going to pilot it!

2: Well, how do you know?

1: I remember everything.

2: Ha! Sure you do. What's my call number?


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I came accross quite a few in the sneking level last night...My favorite was the discussion of what the biggest ship you'd been on.

Stormtrooper2: So whats the biggest ship you been on?

Stormtrooper1: Nothing spectacular, been on a shipping freighter before that was pretty big.

Stormtrooper2: Thats not big! What you've never been on a Nebulon B Escort Frigate?

Stormtrooper3: I was on a Corellian Corvette when it got jumped by a Calamari Crusiser once, that was pretty big.

Stormtrooper2: Well I have been on a victory class Star Destroyer.

Stormtrooper3: Big deal!

Stormtrooper2: Well its better than your story about the Corellian corvette you Nerfherder.


Okay so thats not verbatum, probably not even very close...I was just cracking up when the one stormtrooper called the other a nerfherder. Raven has done a very good job on the conversations they are great.

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Originally posted by Executor32

1: You ever see a Massassi Lanvarok?

2: No, what the stang is that?

1: It's an ancient Sith weapon. It's sort of a long axe with points on either end. It's very nasty in the right person's hands.

2: Where did you see that?

1: Certain officers have quite large antique collections. I saw a demonstration once.

2: On what?

1: They used a Thernbee they'd taken from the Almanian wilds.

2: Sounds dangerous.

1: It wasn't once they got done chopping it to pieces.

2: *sigh* You hang out with the wrong crowd.

1: That's the last time I spent my off-duty time with those guys.


Thank you so much for writing this one out. I tried to turn down the music and sound down all the way (voice was already maxed), and still couldn't quite make out some of that conversation. I was about ready to go digging through the sounds in the .pk3 files so I could understand all of what was being said.

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Ahh.. hahaha, this thread is superb.


After the massive grin I had after getting lightsaber for first time, the stormtrooper coversations come seco-.. well okay, third in my list of favourite things in the game. Second is graphical quality. :D

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Originally posted by Darth Abbadon

I recall one conversation between a Rodian (I think) and a Remnant officer on Bespin. Don't remember what exactly was said.


Frankly I just can't remember what the trooper said, but it was something like this:


Trooper: Let's move, we're getting out of here.

Mercenary: *in a Rodian voice* What about us? (obviously)

Trooper: You're on your own.


Also, am I the only one who overheard a familar discussion when in one of the many access tunnels of the asteroid base?


Trooper 1: Have you seen the new VT-17?

Trooper 2: Yeah, but I still prefer the old VT-16 myself.

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