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Imperial Conversations! *SPOILERS*


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Here's one I found in the hunt for the Doomgiver. Shown before, but I remember everything, just like that other stormtrooper on the blasted Doomgiver...


Officer: You ever fire a blaster at a living being?


Stormtrooper: Oh, eheh, all the time. I was the top womp-rat hunter in my unit.


Officer: No, I mean a sentient being. Something that could shoot back.


Stormtrooper: Uh, no, I guess I haven't...


Officer: You must be joking. What have you been doing all this time, looking the other way?!


Stormtrooper: I never had a front-line assignment.


Officer: The whole galaxy is the front line now! We're not waging a full-scale war on the New Republic, we're hitting them wherever we can! Now stay alert.


Stormtrooper: Yes sir.


Officer: Damn rookies, no wonder we're losing our entire Empire...




Stormy 1 (talking to an officer with his comlink): Ah, yes sir... No sir.. Sorry sir.... I'll get to it right away sir.


Stormy 1 (talking to himself): *grumbles to himself* stupid officers... why don't you come down here and try to see out of this damn helmet, while I sit up there in my comfy office and tell you how incopetent and stupid you are.


1: ...then I blasted the second one from behind.

2: You fought two Jedi at once? I don't believe that!

1: It happened. You should've been there, they're not so tough...


Where were those and the "biggest ship conversation" from? As in, what levels were they on?


It's things like this that make the game even more real.

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Originally posted by fune

Also, am I the only one who overheard a familar discussion when in one of the many access tunnels of the asteroid base?


Trooper 1: Have you seen the new VT-17?

Trooper 2: Yeah, but I still prefer the old VT-16 myself.

Yes, I also heard this conversation. There was a little more to it than what you have quoted though. Something about what the changes in the new model were.

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What about the mission you have to be stealthy in.


the first storm trooper that u hear is speaking his commanding officer and say something about "we are done searching the area done here, if you want sent a thermal scan crew or something of that sort.. Than the trooper mentions "Alright ill keep looking" and then says something about "must be nice sitting around a desk all day"..

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1: What was that?!

2: What was what?

1: I could have sworn I heard something

2: You're hearing things

1: Wait, there it is again! It feels like we're being watched

2: You're just imagining things

1: I could have sworn we were being watched... wait, I think I saw something

2: Do you want me to call it in?

1: ....no, it was nothing


at which point I come jumping out of cover and give them a taste of a lightsaber

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Heh heh heh...


Stormtrooper voices are cool ^_^




Yeah, what is the deal with stormtrooper fire. Old ben says:


Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise




What's the deal? Can stormtroopers only bring out their full potential against Jawas? Or is it that their only strategy is to use cover fire, and recklessly shoot-from-the-hip until they get lucky?





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I love how the stormtroopers talk about their crappy blaster rifles.


ST1 : I hear we're getting some new rifles out of R&D

ST2 : That'd be nice, this thing isn't too accurate



ST1 : I hate these stupid blaster rifles.

ST2 : Mine works fine.

ST1 : These things are too inaccurate. Once you've fired a blaster Carbine, you never want to go back.

ST2 : What's the difference?

ST1 : It's all in the feel and the kickback. You miss your first shot, and you'll be lying on the ground with a hole in your chest.

ST2 : Well, there's not much chance of that. We're so far out of the center of things that nothing's ever going to happen here.

ST1 : You just keep saying that, and you'll be the first man down once trouble hits.


Not totally sure about that one though, there are a few different things in it here or there.


The ship one :


1 : What's the biggest ship you've ever flown on?

2 : Privately or on a mission?

1 : Either!

2 : Well, I've been on a troop transport once, those things are pretty big.

1 : Hell, those junkers are tiny! You've never been on a Nebulon B frigate? Or how about an Assault Frigate? What are you, a commando?

2 : No, I've just been part of small operations.

1 : Well, I've been on a Star Destroyer several times! Even engaged a Mon Calamari Star Cruiser once.

2 : So what happened?

1 : Well, we were heavily damaged already, so once we got a full scan on her, we just turned tail and ran.

2 : And what did YOU do?

1 : I just sat in my bunk(er?) and prayed we weren't going to get blown out of the sky.

2 : That's not much of a story.

1 : Well it's better than your Corellian Corvette tale!

2 : I wasn't telling a story, you ASKED, Nerfherd!


:D I love that one.



1 : Did you hear what happened at Kejim?

2 : No, but I hear it was pretty bad.

1 : Yeah, apparently this Jedi came in and cleaned the place out.

2 : The LAST thing I feel like dealing with today is a Jedi!


The scanning one :


- This is alpha 926, nothing to report.

- Yes sir, i'm on location, I just don't see anything.

- The area is clear. If you want more, send a thermal scanning crew in here.

- ehh no, no sir... yes sir..

- I'll keep looking. Alpha 926, out.

- Stupid know it all officer! How about you come down here and try to look out of this damn helmet, and I'll sit in your comfy office and tell you how dumb and incompetent you are!


(if you follow him, he'll end off with "Those officers are all the same")


There's quite a few more, perhaps on my next run through I'll remember to write some down :)



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My vote for funniest "conversations" are the mumblings of your mind trick victims after they've wasted their buddies. The thing to do (in the hangar bays for example) is to rush in and mind trick one of the guys with a rocket launcher into being your friend. Then run back out of the room and let him mop the place up. Some of the things you'll catch him saying through the door are (roughly):


(1) I hope I get a commendation for this.


(2) Well, that's strange! (presumabely as he looks around at his slain comrades)


(3) I wish they had fought back.


The irony is perfect.

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I heard something on the docks, it was stormtroopers, I dont remember it and I havent been able to find it again, it is one saying that he has killed alot of jedis and the other saying he is full of crap and then the first one is like no really, and then I cut off their heads...

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I don't think anyone posted this one, which had me LOL.


I *think* it was a Cloud City level, but I came accross three Stormtroopers, which I think were near an elevator. Anyway I slashed one of then and then one of the survivors tells the other one "You're on your own!" and then takes off running! That was great!

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On cairn_assembly, I found a security monitor and saw something amusing:


Galak Fyyar: He's caused enough trouble already. Hunt him down and eliminate him, or your Master will hear of my disappointment.


Reborn Boss: *activates his lightsaber and follows Galak as he walks away*


It looked to me like the Reborn was gonna kill him, and I found that funny.

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Originally posted by Silent_Thunder

Here's another:


Stormy 1: *says in a quite voice* I hear those shadow troopers are working much better then expected...


Stormy 2: That doesn't bode well for us. They'll probably replace us in no time.


Stormy 1: Give me that armor and I'd do just as well.


Lol, I remember that one. Right after they finished talking I ran in and killed the ranking officer with a saber throw, the other one turned and ran like hell out the door while the saber flew back to me, one of the most realistic things I've ever seen in a game :fett:

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