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Guest dvader07

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Guest Gamma732

The game rebellion? I've never played it. I got the smurve thing from a girl I know :D What ties it to rebellion?


Hmm....perhaps he would make a good Anakin, because he was also in "Pay it Forward", and he always seems to have that depressing personality about him, even when he's happy, its always there. That'd be a very good touch for Anakin. Kind of foreboding and ominous. That, and the kid's a great actor.


I find it funny that the Book thread has turned to movies while the movie thread has turned to books

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Oh, man I feel like an idiot! I meant where did you get your avatar. :) I have a pic exactly like it for Rebellion (the game)

Oh, yeah, I never noticed that the threads changed...hmmm.


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Guest Gamma732

That's ok, now everyone knows I talk to girls. And that those girls watch Smurfs.....ugghhh ANYWAY, this is one of the public default avatars. Like I said a while ago, I neither have the knowledge of how to make an avatar nor graphics programs more advanced then paintbrush. So.......if anyone has a diff TIE Defender or a Zuckuss avatar tell me


I'm assuming you make yours yourself? Considering how much you change it

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"That's ok, now everyone knows I talk to girls." You talk to girls? Surely they don't talk back, do they?! ;)

I'll dig around for a Zuckuss for you. You know how to work your pm's right?

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Guest Gamma732

Of course they talk back, how else would they tell me to shut up? :rolleyes:


Anyway back on topic: Anyone looking to start reading EU/NJO books, I'd recommend reading the Thrawn trilogy first, or start from the beginning(Truce at Bakura) and go in chronological order, things will make the most sense that way. I'd also recommend reading The Hand of Thrawn duology before going into the NJO(as I believe someone said, most likely Kvan the only other guy on for the past 2 hours ;) ).


Some of my personal favorites are:

Thrawn Trilogy

Hand of Thrawn Duology

X-wing Series

The "Tales of the..." books....even though some of the tales make very little sense

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since most of the EU-books take place after RotJ, it would be best to start with the Thrawn-trilogy, but i believe one book (Truce At Bakura ?) takes place directly after Jedi (one day or so..) I have a lot of those books, but hardly any from the Rogue Squadron series. I'm going to check those out soon..

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Guest Darth Vader
Originally posted by Kvan

Didn't his ship get blown up though? I guess he could have gone into hyperspace at the last second.....

If you've beat the game on the Jedi difficulty you know if he died or not. If you haven't and want to know without beatiing the game you can PM me and I'll tell you.
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Guest Boba Rhett

You don't have to beat it on Jedi difficulty to see the alternate ending and even though I want him to have escaped, should we really believe what a game tells us? :confused:

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Guest dvader07

Hey guys, thanks for all your suggestions. I just started reading Heir to the Empire. I am about half way through it, and it is pretty good so far. I would have to agree with those who said that Zahn is a good author, he seems to have captured the characters personallities pretty well. I would think it would be hard writting something based on a story already so developed, but he has done a good job.


Another quick question about EU stuff, I know a little bit of the story of Mara Jade, and where she ends up, but one thing that I can't figure out is how some of her story lines fit into the timeline. I am mainly refering to her appearing in Heir to the Empire (I am assuming this is her first apperance in the Star Wars Universe) and then her appearance in JKs expansion pack MoTS. There Katarn is training her as a jedi so that must be a while after Heir to the Empire. Also, where does MoTS fit in to the story line of her relationship with Luke (I would think that if they had a relationship Luke would have trained her).

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Heir to the Empire is Maras first appearance. Luke I believed tried to train Mara but she didn't really go along with it(they didn't really have a relationship until the end of the Hand of Thrawn duology). IMO She doesn't have what it takes to be a true Jedi. She is very much like Katarn in that they are force sensitive but don't have the stuff to be true Jedi. They are more the fringer type :)

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Guest Gamma732
Originally posted by thrawn12786

At least you can talk to girls.


Whoa!! Someone believed me!! ;) Just think of them as people and not 'girls', then theres nothing to be worried about...besides, I'm a coward too.


Better get back to the topic ;) I've played JK, but never MotS(Was gonna get it but then I found out it was discontinued. :mad: ) I know parts of its story, etc, but whats the backstory to it? I don't mean the ending or anything but where on the timeline is it, whats the setting, etc?

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Originally posted by thrawn12786

What does Mots mean? BTW what does IMO and RSF mean also? :confused:

Well IMO means In My Opinion. I don't know what the other one means ;)

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Kvan

Ok.....can I ask why?


Ok, sorry to go way back but......I think that all books based on movies are horrible coz it takes all the imagination out of it. When you read a book, you can imagine what is happening, an that makes for a great amount of interest in a Star Wars type books, as it is Sci-Fi. When you've seen the movie, you already know what happens, and what it looks like. that doesn't make for much suspense.


Ok, you really have to treat games apart from the EU. They don't always fit, coz you can't always make a game without taking alot of liberties. Therefore, some games fit ok, but others are totally seperate, coz they have to be. In Rebel Assault for example, do you think that a guy ran around shooting stormies in the base unitl he blasted out of the hanger. No, but what kinda game would it be if they just followed the movie, get it?

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Originally posted by Tie Guy


Ok, sorry to go way back but......I think that all books based on movies are horrible coz it takes all the imagination out of it. When you read a book, you can imagine what is happening, an that makes for a great amount of interest in a Star Wars type books, as it is Sci-Fi. When you've seen the movie, you already know what happens, and what it looks like. that doesn't make for much suspense.


Ok, you really have to treat games apart from the EU. They don't always fit, coz you can't always make a game without taking alot of liberties. Therefore, some games fit ok, but others are totally seperate, coz they have to be. In Rebel Assault for example, do you think that a guy ran around shooting stormies in the base unitl he blasted out of the hanger. No, but what kinda game would it be if they just followed the movie, get it?

Oh, man you did go way back!

So you can't see different people playing say...Anakin in the epi.1 book? Because I sure can! Also have you ever read ESB? A lot was different then in the book (like yoda was blue, veers dies), I kind of like that. It's interesting and unexpected. You kinda don't know all that will happen in a SW book that was adapted from the movie since they do cut out scenes in the movie.

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Guest dvader07
Ok, you really have to treat games apart from the EU. They don't always fit, coz you can't always make a game without taking alot of liberties. Therefore, some games fit ok, but others are totally seperate, coz they have to be. In Rebel Assault for example, do you think that a guy ran around shooting stormies in the base unitl he blasted out of the hanger. No, but what kinda game would it be if they just followed the movie, get it?


I understand what you are saying as far as gameplay, but it was my understanding that LucasArts worked real hard at trying to keep the main storylines in line wiht the rest of the Star Wars universe.

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Guest xwing guy

somebody asked on the timeline of MotS. Well JK was 10 years after RotJ and MotS was a few years after JK. but IMO everything in MotS was just made up for the game and never took place in the star wars universe.

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Guest Master Yoda

I dont think anything in the JK or MOTS happened in the SW universe. I hope JKII will have smoebody like Luke in the Multiplayer and the single player, since they said they would have computer jedi fighting with u.

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Guest xwing guy

Yeah I think nothing in JK or MotS happened either b/c if seven dark jedi had come back that would have been BIG news to the galaxy especially when Jeric nearly got the power of the valley of the jedi. Also I'm pretty sure I heard Luke was gonna be in JK2 but I don't think your gonna have an in game sidekick.

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Guest Master Yoda

I reading sonewhere( I think it was IGN, maybe gamespot.) that you would have in game sidekicks!! Which if you do that would make the game really cool.

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