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Everyone is a newbie!


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I hear alot of people saying how they like to help out the newbies. This is bloody funny! The game is only out for a week and even the people who bought the game on the first day are still new to the game!




Of course the term "newbie" has lost its meaning as people call anyone who isn't as good as them a newbie. Which is out of context as people used to say I was a newbie as an insult in Diablo II even though I had played the game for well over a year and a half. But that is going a bit off track.


The main point... what was it... ah yes there it is.


A newbie by definition is someone new to the game right? So again I say this. We are ALL newbies.


And lastly I would like to say that the very word is a rather silly thing to say. Along with L33T and weird computer-nerd lingo like that. (flame ahead but I am proud I type with real english, not some weird letter-number combination)


P.S. About people's spelling and grammar. Alot of people who speak english outside of the USA (like myself) use REAL english. Not that "American English". I have seen a few people given some flames about how they spelt things differant from the "american" spelling. Like "colour" or "sabre". JRR Tolkein said once (and I quote): "American english is essentially english after it has been washed over with a dirty sponge". If english was first used in England, wouldn't it make sense the real english be the version of english which is used in England? (That should get a few yankees flaming me with hate mail!)


P.P.S. Calling me a newbie is fine as like I said - we are all newbies. And calling me a 12 year old as an insult will not hurt me as I would find it amusing people still insist this is an insult. (For the record i'm 21 which is the oposite of 12 for the ones who are bad at anagrams.)

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I don't care about the other comments, but the English remark... damn straight. At least the Canadians and Australians know how to use the language. :D If anyone should be making facetious remarks about someone's use of the language, it is us.

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Yeah, I wrote the original message and also don't know why I wrote it. But I do know why I wrote the latter part about the true form of english.


I wrote the latter part because it is so true. Many American fellows think that because America does it a certain way then it is the right way and only way to do something. I could write for eons about this. Okay I admit they are not completly wankers, but the majority of them are. (The ones that are not wankers are the ones who are Canadian but living in America.) :D

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Let's try and stay away from having a dig at the US, but just to add a final thought, I remember when I was living in the US I did a far amount of travelling. I can't remember where it was this happened, but I ended up speaking to these guys I'd just met in a bar somewhere... I think they approached me because of my accent. Anyway, one of the girls there came up with the line of all lines. She asked me where I came from and I said England. Her next question? "Oh, do they speak English there too?". lol. Needless to say I left within the next 10 mins. I don't mean to imply all Americans think this, far from it, I just thought it was so amazing how stupid someone can be.

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You`re putting yourselves on thin ice here, mates :D

Read back your posts.. notice the flaws ? ehehe (just wanted to take part of this conversation as true non-English lol)


But anyway, on the other hand you could see it as rather funny how people seem to be used to their own ways of expression and how it also seems to be (at least partly) integrated in the rest of the world already.

Ofcourse mainly due to t.v. and music, but still.

People interact in the strangest ways ;) A show of the survivor instinct in us!


HeavyWacko out

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That's a little like insisting that Mexicans must speak Spanish like they do in spain, or Canadians speak french only like they do in France....


You have to allow for locale variation and cultural changes.


Hell I've read that in Europe, you can walk a few miles and even though people are speaking the same language, their dialects and local slang varies so much, it's almost like another language! So why get uptight about spelling of all things? I don't tell a Brit that it's "color" and not "colour" and he's WRONG, it's just different depending on where you're from. I say theatre, just because it's a habit, even though it's actually theater where I'm from. If you like it your way, great!


Any linguist or anthropologist worth his/her salt will confirm that languages evolve and change based on the needs of the people using them. Languages that don't change are called "dead" languages, that nobody speaks anymore. I don't get uptight about how brits spell words differently than I do, and I don't get uptight about what side of the road they drive on (in their own country of course), or their system of measurements, so why should they get uptight about the differences between the spelling of a few words?


It might be different if large numbers of Americans went around complaining about British spellings of words, but it seems to be I have always heard the opposite. Other people criticizing Americans for being different, simply because they don't like it. Well, sorry, guys, but TOO BAD. [/end rant]


; p

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Originally posted by Kurgan

It might be different if large numbers of Americans went around complaining about British spellings of words, but it seems to be I have always heard the opposite. Other people criticizing Americans for being different, simply because they don't like it. Well, sorry, guys, but TOO BAD. [/end rant]


; p


Perhaps people should actually read the posts before complaining. The issue that was raised was the number of American insults towards alternative spelling. I have little problem with the alternative approaches, but I have noted, so has obijonkenobi, a few Americans criticising English spellings. That was the problem.

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I was responding to this:


P.S. About people's spelling and grammar. Alot of people who speak english outside of the USA (like myself) use REAL english. Not that "American English". I have seen a few people given some flames about how they spelt things differant from the "american" spelling. Like "colour" or "sabre". JRR Tolkein said once (and I quote): "American english is essentially english after it has been washed over with a dirty sponge". If english was first used in England, wouldn't it make sense the real english be the version of english which is used in England? (That should get a few yankees flaming me with hate mail!)


If he was referring to some other unlinked posts, that's entirely different. I haven't seen these posts he may be referring to, at least not on the JK2.net forums.


I'm not saying nobody does it, but I've never encountered it, and I, as an American have never done it, so I don't see it as that big of a problem.


I personally could care less, if you want to use "the King's English" that's perfectly fine with me. I say when in Rome.. do as the Romans.. ; )


Most of the time when I've seen people criticized online for their spelling or grammar it is NOT over the trivial differences in spellings of certain worlds (USA vs. Europe or wherever). Besides, English is a Germanic language. ; )


If you write like Yoda talks, and you don't realize that it's not proper speech, that's when you get made fun of... I think people should make an effort to make their messages coherent (irrelevant of course if they are trying to be funny), but I understand what you mean if you say "colour" instead of "color." Some people have the tendency to say that their way is the only right way, and attack others for the things they themselves do. It's all pretty silly.


Personally, I think it's a stupid and illegitimate debate tactic to attack a person's grammar and spelling instead of the content of their ideas (unless the debate is focused on spelling and grammar issues). ; )


Speaking of those impolite and rude Americans, we have this post as a rebuttal:


The ones that are not wankers are the ones who are Canadian but living in America.)


So there you have it folks, if you live in America, but are not Canadian, you are a "wanker." You've just insulted millions. How ridiculous and intolerant of you!

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I am an American and I am proud of it. But i will admit that some (probably more than some) Americans act rude, obnoxious (sp?), and arrogant. They, in my opinion should be shipped off to the middle of the atlantic/pacific, where the boat would then be sunk. as far as languages go, If you are from England, you probably speak old English (thats what i call it at least). Americans speak, well we speak an almost extreme variant of the Old English. We use more slang now than ever before. we have even changed meanings of words or come up with new ones. a good example would be the word apartment. Americans use the word apartment and people from england use the word flat. Flat??? you say that to any uneducated American (which there are plenty of) and they will think of a table top. oh yeah, a table top!!! I think part of the reason we use such a unique version of the English language is that the U.S.A. has a very diverse culture. from African Americans to Mexicans to Puerto Ricans to Asians and more. Each culture comes up with its own version (ie ebonics) until it is blended into the ever popluar American English. As far as dialects go, well you go talk to a person in the state of Maine and then go talk to someone in the state of Virginia. You will see a somewhat large difference. I live in Ohio and when i go down to summer camp in Virginia for a week i come back speaking runon sentences a mile long. Dont criticize a person for using a variant of an original language. Dont criticize the Americans for using what now is called American English. Sure, Old English is probably right, especially when it comes to spelling words. Basing your view of a person based on what language they speak and hwo they speak it is basically racial profiling, which is evil in itself. Americans have dealt with this kind of thing in the past. you remember the KKK, Martin Luther King Jr., Slaves in the Civil War. Americans are finally getting past the racial barrier, i only hope the same applies to the rest of the world. If you are going to judge soemone, judge them on how they treat you. BTW, this thread has really gone off topic and i think it should end up in the swamp.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

I was responding to this:




If he was referring to some other unlinked posts, that's entirely different. I haven't seen these posts he may be referring to, at least not on the JK2.net forums.


Sorry, but I thought this...


I have seen a few people given some flames about how they spelt things differant from the "american" spelling.


...made it clear he was refering to other posts. My comment about who is entitled to make critical remarks was rather tongue in cheek.


So there you have it folks, if you live in America, but are not Canadian, you are a "wanker." You've just insulted millions. How ridiculous and intolerant of you!


Yes, his last comment was not required.


If you write like Yoda talks, and you don't realize that it's not proper speech, that's when you get made fun of... I think people should make an effort to make their messages coherent (irrelevant of course if they are trying to be funny)...


Personally, I think it's a stupid and illegitimate debate tactic to attack a person's grammar and spelling instead of the content of their ideas (unless the debate is focused on spelling and grammar issues). ; )


This has nothing to do with any specific thread here (but from my experience online) but I find it hard to have a reasonable conversation with anyone who can't put a sentence together. It is one thing to make spelling mistakes, it is another to start that annoying language with numbers and dripping off into slang every other sentence. I also think it is a good indication of someone who is incapable of putting any kind of thought out comment together anyway, so attacking grammar is a fair enough "tactic" in any online debate, if it is stupidly bad.


I think part of the reason we use such a unique version of the English language is that the U.S.A. has a very diverse culture.


I believe the Websters dictionary was simply setup as a symbol of seperation from Britain. It has little to do with "diverse" cultures (of which, I might add, many countries have. The US is not alone here). Anyway, as a note, Britain has the highest number of variations in dialect on this planet. Also, I remember reading a while back that some new evidence brought to light actually suggested that the American accent (although it too has variations, but I think they were refering to the area in and around Boston) is actually closer to the "Old English" accent than any current English one. The argument was something along the lines that Americans had fewer contacts with which to shape their tongue.

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Yes I agree that American English is messed up (I live in California). It is not very "cultural" because there is no culture involved in the change, most of it comes from laziness to write out the words. Anyway, a lot of people talk "L33T" but that is only online, so remember, the way people talk or spell while playing a game is not always the same as the way they would of they are doing something else.

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I was joking about how non-Canadians in America are wankers. Even THEY are wankers too! :) Nah I am joking once more.


No one is a wanker based on their nationality. They are a wanker if they are complete morons. That said there must be a lot of wankers in every country. Even this one (Australia - our Prime Minister, John "Toadface" Howard is the main wanker in Aus I can think of).


The posts I wrote in this thread were just an evil scheme to get some reactions going. I didn't seriously believe most of that stuff I said.


The only thruths that were there was that everyone at the moment is new to the game, and that I have seen people flamed for having a differant type of english compared to theirs. This isnt from the JK2 forums, I am only new to these. Those flames were from mainly the diablo2 forums when I used to go on them, but I am sure people from those forums are now using these. If I did then its entirely possible that others have too since JK2 is the greatest game (I have ever played) ever! Oh and I have seen Britts and some Australians flame Yankees over their version of english too. Again, they are wankers as well as the Yankee flamers.


So just to recap (and maybe say something I have not said yet)...


I was joking about America being a total bunch of wankers. Sure there are lots of wankers there, but there are lots of wankers in every country.


I was just going for a reaction about the entire posts. While I do think were all "newbies" and that people do (if not in JK2 as yet) flame people for differant english versions, the rest of the writings were just jokes to get reactions from people - mainly Americans as they seem the most defensive about their nation.


Oh and just incase someone says it wasnt funny, just remember I am Australian. Aparantly we have a very very dry sense of humour. Heath Ledger has once said he misses Australians as over their in America his (dry) humour is often taken seriously or not as a joke in America. That is not a jab at America, I am just saying that Australians would have found it funny even if other countries didn't.


Anyway, have fun playin JK2 (as if there was any other way to play JK2 except with fun)


One last time to make sure people know this: I don't hate or dislike America or Americans. Or any other country for that matter. Just wankers of every nation.

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Originally posted by Starwind

Yes I agree that American English is messed up (I live in California). It is not very "cultural" because there is no culture involved in the change, most of it comes from laziness to write out the words. Anyway, a lot of people talk "L33T" but that is only online, so remember, the way people talk or spell while playing a game is not always the same as the way they would of they are doing something else.


Now if I was to be honest, colour really should be written "color", I mean that is logical. But there are three problems with that. A) English is illogical and B) being British I have to stuck my finger up my arse, pretend I'm part an Empire and refuse any change. Ohh and C) it is nice confusing people and having something to complain about. :)

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After reading the first post and seeing none of the other posts talk about the JK issue there, I'll start...


It's true we're ALL newbies. BUT...

Usually, people who are veterans in other games, know how to chat, know how to organize fun stuff are BETTER than others in some way.


They call newbies to the people who just run around, hack'n'slash and interfere while 2 people are in a Duel, where HE can't hurt THEM. Therefore, purely annoying.


People who played a bit more, already know all this. And they know to change stances and so.


That's why they call others newbies.


Yes, we are all newbies, but some of us actually want to communicate, share ideas and be better players. While the hack'n'slashers don't really listen to those who DO know more than them.


A bit on another subject, a person who doesn't know how to communicate, meaning, he doesn't know to use the game chat are really something bad. They don't listen and they don't care for learning.


And I won't forget the last type of people we call newbies. The MP-only newbies.

People who haven't even tried the single player and then come into the server and ask "how do I use force jump??" and stuff like that.

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newbie as you said had to do with skill level. if you take out the sapers and force then none of us have any real lack of skill. but since you thow in the force nad the new saber we will all be newbie's in skill level for a while. and no one can really help the newbie this time. i was a big starcraft fan and i played on battle net. as a newbie i got help because i could get it in that game. this game is very different form others of its genra and it also a gome where you ahve to learn to survive by fighting people beter than you there is no helping the newbie's





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What is this thread about again??? oh yeah......everyone is a newbie. (get on track, i didn't look on this page to find out how to pronounce color, or colour.)



Btw: there is a chain of branches for pronouncing words in the english language (ebonics formed off of american english, just as american english formed off of pure english). Besides you heard the bartender in the game, he didn't necesarily speak perfect english, however he wasn't mad fun of by anyone except Kyle.


P.S if you want a true language speak DUTSCH

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I was really hoping to get a lot of people screaming out some weird insults as that was the intention. I was not really expecting a formal sort of debate.


That kind of message I started off with would have caused mass flameage in the diablo2 forums. I guess that is because we are ment to be more jediesque then dark-age warriors weilding diablo2 weapons right?


ps: If "jediesque" isn't a word before this post - it is now. :D It will me "to possess jedi qualities". And this can be used in any version of english! Or any other language if they so desire.

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England is boring..for example, they have nothing better to do than complain about how other people talk. I was once insulted by an englishman because I was cutting my food with my fork, and eating with that same fork/hand. His exact words were, "Did it take you long to learn to eat like that?" I explained to him that, unlike in Marxist Britain, Americans are allowed to keep the money they earn, so I usually use my left hand to hold the financial news in order to make better investments; (BTW, my stocks are up 500% since sept 11!!) hence the eating with one hand. BTW....gasoline here is $1.09 a gallon...how much is it in England, with all your stupid taxes? Go away England... we kicked your arses out 200 years ago, thank God. LOL, three of my great, great great, grandfathers were Dutch who fought against the british, and in one of the letters I have of theirs, my ancestor is extremely angry that the war ended..he wanted another few years. BTW, I live in New Hampshire, and we have NO state income tax here, and the best schools in the country. Our state motto is "Live Free or Die." England's is "Live free off the dole until you die."

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If I could add my two cents worth..............

Whether you are English, Australian, Canadian or American I find that no matter where you are from or how you are raised and what you have experienced, there will ALWAYS be someone unsatisfied with something about another person or situation.

Realistically most of the games we play are developed and published in the U.S., So I guess that we are doing something right.

If it makes anyone happy I think that the forums should incorporate a spell check based on location so everyone could have one less thing to cry about and we could get back to the issues at hand. Like playing this great game.


As far as "newbies" go I find it interesting that this is almost a negative label , when in fact it should be recognized as a player new to the community, to be embraced and helped along. God knows that the longevity of these games are based soley on the players, so why on earth should we brush them aside?

I agree it can be frustrating at times to play head to head with someone that is not as experienced as yourself but then again there are a bunch of other servers out there where you can find a skill level to match your own.


Everyone was a newbie once!:)

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What does this post have to do with SP strategies? .. (unless at sum point in the game... u have to pass a grammar test..?)


Like you know like ... if its like flamming u like wanted to start like.. goood!!.. but like don't like do it here mmmmmmkay? :) ... all we like care about is THE GAME!!!!!!Like u know.. dude!! not like english! or which ever language!! mmmkay?!

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