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A tip for protecting the droid


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My friend was having trouble in the part where you have to protect the droid as you fight your way across a hallway with tripmines.

I told him to just forcepush the droid back into the corner as soon as he opens the door. Then you can take your time fighting and destroying the tripmines. you might have to push him a few times but he will stay.

Just thought i would add this in case anyone else was having trouble here.

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I hated that part.

the droid moves so fast, its hard to have enough time to aim at baddies without the droid comming back.

pushing him back is a good start though.

You need to get in front of the droid in the center of the walkway to prevent it from getting around you. Take out the guys you can see then stop and take out all the tripmines. Then move up and take out the others.

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A similar method worked for me.


I bound Force pull to my 4th mouse button.

Then everytime th droid got too far ahead, I simply

yanked him back a few times to slow him down.


This made an extremely annoying task very easy.

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Originally posted by Juztyn

Heh. I just blew the mines really quick with the repeater's secondary, then took out the baddies with the primary. Easy as cake.... well, not that easy.. But I managed :p


i used the same method ,it was better than mucking around

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