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I must design levels for JO !


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Hi all. I'm an avid map maker and have made some half decent ones for games such as HL, CS, UT etc.


I hear that JO will use a varient of the editor used for Q3. How difficult is this editor to use? Can anyone lay any constructive criticism on me about the editor? How does it compare to UED and WC?


Also, when will Raven be releasing the editing tools? I know this is currently being debated but I thought that I'd start up a thread :)

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Ok here goes.


The editor will be a variation on Radiant. (the q3 editor as you know.)


Radiant is the best editor out there. It basically revolves around brushes and entities. (see some ofthe tutorials and you'll see what I mean.) Radiant really excels at making curved surfaces. (arches, walls etc.) It also has a good user interface as well.


Sorry about the description, but it's hard to explain without actually having the thing in front of you.


The official Raven released tools will be released soon.

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Originally posted by Sine Nomen

...radiant sucks ass. it has no snap to vertex, the rotate brush feature is imprecise, and without the two, you're limited to crude approximations of complex shapes. Ironic, considering in that respect, JED is better.


While the rotate brush is imprecise it does have a snap to vertex.. maybe you need to read a manual or something?

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There are many options for rotating in Radiant... GTKRadiant does the best job. Set the grid size down for better rotates, because of the snap, you can get some weird effects if the grid size is above 1 unit if you are using free-rotation ...yes it does snap.


Using the vertex snap, you can clean it up afterwords if you get percision errors that are off the grid, do get them back on....yes it does do vertex snaps...


- Vorax

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