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Suggestions for Controls (HELP!)


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I am having a problem. Whenever I play in MP (with lightsaber) I find myself not being able to keep up with everyone else. I try to keep turning around as people jump over me again and again, I end up running around like a crazy person, swinging at air because i just can't get turned around quick enough. Worse yet, while trying to swivel around with the mose so quickly, I find myself pointed at the ceiling, at the floor....


Anyone have any suggestions for me? I tried my joystick but while that made the stability problem go away, it turns slower than a tranquilized bantha...


I was looking at one of those Speedpads, but I wonder if there's a way to configure my controls that would work better for me.. .maybe just some setting I'm missing....




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Hmmm...you could try adjusting the mouse (or joystick) sensitivity under Controls->Mouse/Joystick.


Also, it sounds like you need to practice a little more to improve your control of the mouse. When turning, make sure you keep your mouse to a left-right movement. I have my mouse sensitivity a bit higher than default, which is fine for me. You need to find just the right balance between the sensitivity and turning and strafing. A good measure is to move the mouse a comfortable distance you are happy with to do a 180 degree turn. Then try strafing around a stationery target while keeping your crosshair on it. Once you have optimised that, your control should be a lot better.


Also keep in mind that during MP, some people are using Force Speed, so to keep up with them, you may also need to engage that Force power.


Hope that helps. ;)

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